Találat: 326
Általa írva Badshah, 19.07.2022 at 09:10

Hey i suddenly have a problem when starting games as the host of the new 2.0 world map.. im not able to spawn any submarines helicopters and even some other units and buildings ... why is that so ?

It was a bug. The map is fixed now
16.07.2022 a/az Pc translations
Nobody gets any PCs until you message me directly.

The translation system is broken... has been broken since before even I was around.... I have to manually verify and send PCs.... nobody gets them automatically, and no mod can give them to you.
Thank you for the detailed bug report. I'll look into it when I can. However, please don't put [OPEN] in the title before I've had a chance to look at it, that's supposed to be my own organizational system only. Thank you
26.06.2022 a/az The bitter truth
Általa írva smegma lover, 26.06.2022 at 17:43

Only a world war can revive this game.

I'm working on WW3, gimme some time....

Covid was just a dress rehearsal.
The Units page was only ever meant to show the units for the World Map, and this it does correctly. By "new default units" I assume you are referring to World Map 2.0, but if we're going to show those we would need a totally separate Units page for World Map 2.0. We can't mix units from different maps together.

Anyway this is not a bug since it is currently working as designed, so I'll close it. But just so you know I will be building a new Units page where you can select the map you want to view units from. (and by that I mean ANY map, not just World Map or World Map 2.0). This has been on my list for a while.
I don't think it's fixed... I haven't got around to this one yet

I'm thinking about getting rid of the notifications section anyway though, and combining it with the messages section. I don't see the need of having 2 separate systems there...

Anyway will keep this open for now so I don't forget....
It's probably just a caching issue. I'd recommend clearing your browser cache to see if that solves it. (I know this has worked in some other cases...)

Also generally I'd recommend using Chrome in the map editor... it is the most reliable.

Will leave this open for now, when I have a chance I'll try to reproduce it with that specific map...
Note to self, full error:

|SYSTEM - Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'Id'), Script: https://es.atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749, Line: 1, Column: 576569, Stack Trace: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'Id')
at kt.SetPath (https://es.atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749:1:576569)
at j.onShowPathEditor (https://es.atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749:1:276879)
at j.$OnPathClicked (https://es.atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749:1:277285)
at z.c [as $2$PathClickedField] (https://es.atwar-game.com/java/mscorlib.min.js:65:225)
at z.$OnMapPathPointerUp (https://es.atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749:1:234389)
at m.c [as $2$PathPointerUpField] (https://es.atwar-game.com/java/mscorlib.min.js:65:225)
at m.CheckPointerUp (https://es.atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.mapengine.min.js?v=202203111626:1:62775)
at m.$OnMapPointerUp (https://es.atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.mapengine.min.js?v=202203111626:1:60639)
at m.<anonymous> (https://es.atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.mapengine.min.js?v=202203111626:1:48474)
at HTMLDocument.c (https://es.atwar-game.com/java/mscorlib.min.js:65:225)|
23.06.2022 a/az [OPEN] Stucked
Note to self, full error info:

|SYSTEM - Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'get_Map'), Script: https://atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749, Line: 1, Column: 599851, Stack Trace: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'get_Map')
at Wt.RecalculateLayerObjectBounds (https://atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749:1:599851)
at Wt.Clear (https://atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749:1:599383)
at re.Clear (https://atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749:1:308738)
at de.CleanPreviousTurnData (https://atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749:1:397787)
at G.ChangeState$1 (https://atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749:1:173927)
at G.$OnGameStateChanged (https://atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749:1:170747)
at t.c [as $handlerDelegate] (https://atwar-game.com/java/mscorlib.min.js:65:225)
at t.ProcessMessage (https://atwar-game.com/java/atwar.core.min.js?v=202201252317:1:49117)
at xn.$OnMessageReceived (https://atwar-game.com/java/atwar.core.min.js?v=202201252317:1:86781)
at xn.OnDataReceived (https://atwar-game.com/java/atwar.core.min.js?v=202201252317:1:85899)|
13.06.2022 a/az Real Talk
Általa írva Google, 13.06.2022 at 14:28

I want opinions on this.

How am I the only retired mod to not have the trophy?

I'm sorry Google. When I did that round of demoting inactive mods I forgot about giving the trophy. My bad.

Of course you're welcome to come back as a moderator any time you want, just say the word. I really enjoyed talking with you when you were around, and I hope you're doing well IRL!
@clan leaders: it would be a good idea to also send me a message and remind me towards the end of the season (before I do the payouts), if you want awards to be paid out somehow other than the normal way.
04.06.2022 a/az [atWar] Sad Screenshots
Általa írva Oleg, 03.06.2022 at 12:54

I oficially request Dave to increase my crit chance for every unit by 2.5.... My bad luck needs to be countered by special buff.

No problem, I'll put admin haxx onto your rolls

How many old accounts have been deleted?

Not enough!

Általa írva Indurate, 27.05.2022 at 20:34

I was wondering, given the number of deleted accounts, what would be my actual registration date ranking?

Okay kidding aside... here's some data which may help:

1) First, a fun fact: user ID numbers are generated sequentially. Yours is 232146, thus you are the 232,146th user account that was created. (For perspective, users being created today are up in the 2,200,000+ range.)

2) There are 41,430 user accounts still existing which have lower ID numbers than you. Therefore you are the 41,431st oldest account still in existence. (Of course, most of those old accs are inactive, so 162nd of active accounts is a probably more fair anyway)

3) Why so many deleted accounts? As much as I'd like to claim credit for purging them, the vast majority of deleted accounts were presumably Guest accounts which automatically got deleted after 3 days.

22.04.2022 a/az Support for Ukraine
Stop trying to equate the US bombing terrorists with Russia bombing Ukraine. I haven't seen a single Ukrainian flying airplanes into skyscrapers. I haven't seen a single Ukrainian suicide bomber. I haven't seen Ukrainians blow up a passenger airliner over Scotland (Lockerbie, in case you're too young to remember). I haven't seen any Ukrainians exploding holes in the sides of any American naval destroyers (USS Cole). I could go on, but you get my point. The U.S. does not bomb innocent countries. What Russia is doing to Ukraine is horrible, and unlike anything the world has seen for a long time. If you can't see that, your mind has been too brainwashed to face reality.

Általa írva Reichsheer, 22.04.2022 at 15:52

It's on the map makers to fix things that shouldn't be there in the first place. It's been 11 days since I posted this and Dave hasn't even glanced on the page.
Why has atwar been in a downward spiral? The powers that be see zero importance in maps and their makers. I'd like to see a single veteran map maker say they're happy in the current state of the map-making side of the game.
Do you want new players that stay? I seem to remember a map-making renaissance in atwar's heyday.

I saw it 11 days ago, just as I read every single thing that is posted on these forums, every day. Please don't insinuate that because I haven't replied yet I "don't care". I don't reply until I have something to say. Show some appreciation for the fact that maybe I have other things to do as well.
Általa írva Witch-Doctor, 25.01.2021 at 23:04

I tried making an icon for heli and a drone. Maybe Dave can use them if they're good enough.

Általa írva Mobster, 03.08.2021 at 13:42

I tried making some new, it'd be good to have them in the new scenarios (DireWarlord's new WW2 for example)
Heavy Artillery:
Tank Destroyer:
Horse Archer:
Ancient Infantry:
War Elephant:
Rocket Artillery:

Ask and ye shall receive!

...that is, I've added these icons ^^
Someone is at it again... we began noticing strange activity yesterday, and we can say definitely we're under a new DDoS attack now. I've been adjusting our cloudflare settings and as a result you may be asked to solve more captchas to access the site. I'm trying to keep it to a minimum because I know how annoying those are.

If you experience any weird things (like the chat box not loading, etc) just refresh the page and it should work again.
Általa írva Alex, 05.04.2022 at 02:01

Well, so i went to the map maker again where the borders didnt show up, i refreshed and it fixed itself so now im alrght
but kinda weird not gonna lie its messed up

It might have been just some caching issue... but I'd like to check anyway. Could you tell me the name of the map please?
04.04.2022 a/az Hacker confirmed
Általa írva Mobster, 04.04.2022 at 01:22

Dude he's just joking, what the hell...


Bosnjak, learn to take a joke man...
03.04.2022 a/az Hacker confirmed
It's okay, just pay me and Sid the usual $ bribe and we'll look the other way, no worries....
03.04.2022 a/az World map 2.0
@Eridans, thanks for compiling this list, although it's not strictly necessary, the Meta Team has already made a their own list. We've been talking about all these things already on Discord where we meet.

Some things will definitely be fixed, like the spelling mistakes.

Some things will be changed, like air units taking cities: I was the one who made helicopters able to take cities -- because I think they should -- but probably the meta team will undo it.

Some countries just won't be on the map because it becomes to crowded. This wasn't a mistake, it was a deliberate decision. For example I could add to your list Montserrat, St. Kitts & Nevis, and the British Virign Islands. These are located so close to other countries which we already do have on the map (Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, and the US Virigin Islands, respectively) there literally was no room to fit them in. I think Northern Cyprus is the same problem. As for Andorra and San Marino it's up to the Meta Team....

Lastly, some things will definitely NOT change -- I refuse to remove Crimea from Ukraine. I will reject any update from the Meta Team that were to do so. Yes, this is a political statement on my part. Disagree with me if you want. But I have Ukrainian friends and I wish to support their cause. Even before the 2022 invasion I was refusing to accept Russia's annexation of Crimea.
03.04.2022 a/az World map 2.0
Moved to "ideas and suggestions" which seems more appropriate for this kind of discussion..
31.03.2022 a/az Shitpost
30.03.2022 a/az 3 Days in
Általa írva Reichsheer, 30.03.2022 at 12:35

So I decided to create a new map https://prnt.sc/rTE7qrZ3Bmdw
It's stuck

Okay then please open a bug report here https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=39713 and tell me the exact steps you did so I can try to reproduce it...
29.03.2022 a/az 3 Days in
Általa írva Reichsheer, 29.03.2022 at 16:47

My scenarios 'Colonial RP - Charlemagne', 'European Powers (1700's GGG)', 'New World Coming - RP', 'Medieval Empires AtWar RP', 'Qing Vs Joseon & Japan (1750's GGG)', 'GGG: Alt History (EU)' are all uneditable with the error code 'Error: TypeError: b.getSource() is undefined, Script: https://atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.js?v=202203241749, Line: 1, Column: 654189'

Unfortunately some maps that were broken by old versions of the map editor are permanently broken, there's not much I can do about that. However if you're creating new maps you shouldn't have any problems now.

Általa írva Reichsheer, 29.03.2022 at 16:47

And occasionally when trying to connect to edit a map; it doesn't load (forgotten the exact sentence that comes up) and I must close down the atwar tab/go back a page on the browser (sometimes multiple times) for it to actually let me into the map. This can't be an issue on my side and I've tried different computers/browsers, I've recently moved houses and have very good internet speeds.

Edit: when saving changes, they sometimes wouldn't register the next time I loaded the map too (this I approached both Mobster and Sid on)

It takes the system a few minutes to update after you've made any significant changes. There's also the possibility you might need to clear your browser cache. But if a few minutes have gone by and you've cleared your cache, and are still having problems, then you can report them here: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=39713. I do read them and fix things as I can
29.03.2022 a/az 3 Days in
Általa írva Reichsheer, 29.03.2022 at 16:06

Mapmaking bugs should be a priority atm. I'm grateful for the changes but I still experience the same issues with mapmaking that I did 4+ years ago.
Mapmaking is one of the main reasons to buy premium too and helps freshen the community with new maps

Edit: [One!] of the reasons I didn't play for three years was because of mapmaking issues!

When was the last time you tried making a map?

Because I literally just spent the last month fixing a shit ton of bugs in the map editor so we could get World Map 2.0 released...

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