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16.10.2020 - 22:48
This thread is to serve as a record of useless expansions I encounter that have no practical use. I am merely making this post to document them as they come, so I don't lose them. If you want to post some of your own then go for it.

blitz germany: Madrid rush (made by zoe)
- Two transporst
- Militia not necessary to range Madrid, just makes it easier
- Very circumstantial, can rush Benelux as well, only times that will work is if uk does full expansion. If UK doesn't go madrid, there's still possibilities of latemoving paris and attacking UK cities. You can win with it but it will be difficult.
- in terms of 2v2, where Madrid is more common, this expansion becomes slightly more useful. Could work with an imp ukraine funding you to kill UK before t5, not to say imp ukraine is any better..

imp turk: 100 unit expansions
- While it is possible to get 100+ on a consistent basis, it results in bad income. t2 you can have 700 - 850 with 100 units with the right tank and inf mix, but it is just out classed by 92 - 97 unit count expansions that have a cheaper setup with 1k + income.
- Looks flashy, but it sucks

GC ukraine: Retardation
- Berlin and benelux t1 at the cost of 4 air transports.Theoretically, you could recover your 2200 income by taking france and/or full scandi, but lack of upper balkans as ukraine is almost a death sentence
- Never use this, its just flashy but useless and you will get shit stomped by a half decent turk, trust me I know.
- If you do decide to try this, make sure to take full poland, czech, and maybe slovak. That way you have some units to slow turk down while your income recovers.
16.10.2020 - 23:20
Blitz turk taking paris t1...
super bad... dont ever do this in a real duel lol

16.10.2020 - 23:47
Általa írva PleaseMe, 16.10.2020 at 23:20

Blitz turk taking paris t1...
super bad... dont ever do this in a real duel lol

2 bad
Happiness = reality - expectations
17.10.2020 - 08:56
My expansion is the only useful one
17.10.2020 - 15:06
Has anyone actually lost to zoeys blitz besides grom

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