23.08.2018 - 14:41
Whatever you believe continue to spread the word about atwar. Allow this community to grow and prosper. Let's Fill These Lobbies! You can share this game on social media Facebook and Twitter.
23.08.2018 - 18:37
Appreciate your intentions, and if you wish to truly take part in actions to lure in players, message me, I've been trying to set up something with a small group of people to spread the word (not of Jesus of Christ) but of this game ![]()
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23.10.2018 - 10:53
i m trying on Instagram
---- It's scary how many possible genocidal war lords play this game, and i could be one of them
14.11.2018 - 17:19
Yes, hard to fill lobbies! But please do not recruit tolls
---- http://prntscr.com/omka79 http://prntscr.com/n1ymiv Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
16.11.2018 - 13:02
Im trying to recruit rl friends to atwar but they find it quite hard to pick up the basics, and usually just leave and go inactive because they get rekt by better players (in beginner room)
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17.11.2018 - 05:32
I want to stay in group of atWar spread
---- http://prntscr.com/omka79 http://prntscr.com/n1ymiv Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
17.11.2018 - 05:35
I have a secret card if this communnity speak about how cancerous is we will be able to attact radicals of far right far left and internet pros and tolls they would be a nice incorporation to this game PD do not try to attract nice people they will be scared or crying for the actual communnity and leavin soon
---- http://prntscr.com/omka79 http://prntscr.com/n1ymiv Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
17.11.2018 - 05:36 we need hardcore people the easy way ones will not improve the roleplay will spell them and they will no play the resTT
---- http://prntscr.com/omka79 http://prntscr.com/n1ymiv Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
17.11.2018 - 10:34
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
17.11.2018 - 21:15
this game can not be revived believe it or not everybody has been doing/saying the same thing in order to try and get players and guess what it never worked. even if it did and we got an influx of players most would leave within the first week or two since this community is so gridlocked down and it takes forever to become an accepted player in most matches. I'm not saying thats a bad thing because thats a different discussion, it would be great if we had more skillful high ranks but all thats gonna happen if we get players is that they will flock to braindead rp games or world 50k games because they're easier to play and not rankist normally so i mean no matter what happens this game is fucked for anybody that has a brain cell
18.11.2018 - 09:13
agree, people have been doing same stuff for years to no avail. its gonna take official work from admins, which has yet to happen
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26.11.2018 - 17:31
we could try to target the HOI4 CIV and other strategy based game communities, also having online ads, new clothing merch (caps t shirts etc) really just doing the basics of online advertising
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