02.04.2018 - 08:43
Not to pile on, and so you know, the offer is appreciated. However CC and GC are on the mark. The 'many people' you refer to are the people who violate a rule in which they have previously been muted, warned, etc. And i wouldn't say there are a lot of them, but you only need 5 or 6 to fuel one another. [Written by Cold Case, 01.04.2018 at 06:23- You will be surprised but the real troublemakers are less than 10. ![]() They do this by immediately going to the forums to complain about mod abuse, get upvoted by the same people that they upvoted when they posted on the forums, and the cycle continues. The behaviour isn't so severe to ban from the game, but it is enough to consume a lot of time. Having a middle man, as you are proposing, would give more attention and time to these people, which is exactly what they want. However, feel free if you do believe there is an unfair mute to approach one of us. We aren't saying you can't speak on behalf of someone from time to time. It would be counter productive however to make this a fixture of AW.
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02.04.2018 - 09:08
This went from someone with good intentions (though it made my eyebrows rise) trying to be some sort of divine middle-man between 80% trolls sanctioned and harassed mods to a flame-war between the Sanctioned and the Sanctioner Mods lolz Honestly, if that Middle-Man stuff were to happen, it'd have to be strictly organized so there'd be a structure of Mods -> Intermediaries -> Regular Player, being the Intermediaries preferably members of the Supporters I guess.
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02.04.2018 - 09:40
But we know that supporters may be "scared" to oppose one mod because it may get them to demoted.I am here to be biased because lets be honnest.Mods and players act different to different people.Its 100% normal i am trying to find a solution about this.Each time i got muted/banned i tried to find justice and get my ban/mute reduced by a "friendly" mod.Some people dont got friendly mods so i think with collaboration there can be a deal.Like even if a "troll" comes and asks you to remove his ban and i wont abuse for the next 2 months isnt it a better solution?When someone feels abused he will do something again and again to try to get justice and he will do something without being afraid because he already was 6 months muted.But if he makes a "deal" and keeps it,it will be better.If he breaks it then he will have to suffer from longer strictier penaltys.
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02.04.2018 - 10:25
Yessir, I love the idea of this approach. The only thing is, it only works like 40% of the time. About 60% of the time, they will approach me, appeal for unmute, I will say something like "okay, ill unmute you for x days, but if you do it again, i remute you for 10x". They are always excited for the unmute. I go check logs the next day, and there they are spamming some chat. Now when I remute them with a hefty ban, I am the bad guy now and they will come complain on forums how I abused them. I want to point out, I would only take this approach if i cared, because it takes so much more time/energy. I still do this, but it's not nearly as great of an option as you would think.
02.04.2018 - 10:29
With reasonable people, we work it out ourselves as well. With trolls or players who just don't want to understand and stuff, we don't and believe with you in the way it will be even harder. This all idea just won't work IMO.
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02.04.2018 - 10:37
Ok then as i say you dont like this idea delete this forum then i cant do anything without your collaboration....Refund the guy who promoted this.Thanks i tried to care but when i see mods and supporters dont care i see no point.Thanks everyone.
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02.04.2018 - 11:08
See what I mean? You didn't even understand what we say and obviously you didn't want to. You say we don't care, you're wrong. We are all up for anything that will make our lives easier when it comes to complaints, but as we've said before, it just won't work, that's what we say.
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02.04.2018 - 11:12
Sure with your logic people trying to fly wont work....everything we try wont work.I understand that you dont want to waste ur time with me or with one of the other guys you mute/ban and it works for you to just give one punishment as you did to me like 6 months ago and call it done.You muted me for 6 months on help because i abused.Yes i did i requested a warning thats why the worning command is there.You didnt unmute me but thanks to a "friendly" mod of mine,i cant remember i think it was google, you reduced it to 3 weeks or smth.Yes sure it works fine for you.
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02.04.2018 - 11:16
I understand that, I've been muted and almost persecuted by mods who were wrongly-induced in the past by people who hated me or manipulated context in any way to harm sometimes and other times I was really correctly muted or banned because I pushed the barriers. I agree and understand with the mods when they say that this shouldn't even exist because people should have the common sense and enough brain cells and education to appeal and address another being respectfully. What I'm saying is that facing that lack of common sense that is characteristic of AtWar's Community by the most part, if we were to have some sort of Mediators, they should be officially fathered and not be just some (no offense), people approached and praised for their morals, randomly. Besides, if you fear demotions for performing your job or not acting strictfully in the best interest of the individual above you in the hierarchy, something's wrong. I don't know the current state of Supportership but I doubt the Supporter State of Affairs in 2018 is as nepotistic and oppresive as it was in 2016 or in 2017, different Admins, different states of mind. Personally I wouldn't mind mediating that, but like mods, I don't want to put my brain cells to the test to trolls and disrespect, I have enough brain cells burned from studying Law xD
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02.04.2018 - 11:21
Ok then i am all up with these....i am not telling that i should be the only one to do this i would love for supporters to take this role but i think that their opinions will be biased and favor mods/friends and not randoms/"trolls" but sure give it a try.
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02.04.2018 - 11:37
Explain me how when i had to get muted from 2014 you gave me 6 month mute after 3 years of being clear without bans/mutes because i wrote ho in help chat.Also i recall you didnt even warn me by the proper way you wrote something in the chat that when i refresh or change room it disappears.
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02.04.2018 - 11:38
Just erase the whole mod team except 5-6 mods. That will solve the problem and make players happy. I am sure it'll be better
02.04.2018 - 13:34
Lol this guy, had a regular player said this he would of been forum banned.
02.04.2018 - 14:07
Iv been banned once and forum muted once for very petty reasons. I called VriL a bitch and was banned a week because he banned tunder for multiple months I think almost a year on his main account. This was bad for me because tunder and I where collaborating on a few map projects together, I simply asked him if there was an eta of when tunder was going to be unbanned, he got very rude and I insulted him back and boom my only ban ever happened. Secondly I was muted for a week on all channels and forum by Google Chrome because I was battling against his off topic abuse and I got him mad, so I told someone unrelated that I thought was one of king Jims alts that he had a shitty opinion on a forum discussion so he decided to punish me. You guys abuse your powers frequently that is a fact. What's really bad is how hard to guys fight against the community because we try and find a way to regulate your power. This needs to stop. Edit: Weird that this was locked and I can still edit my message, anyways do you really want me to post our private conversation and the rediculous excuse you used to mute me? Just say the word and I will.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
02.04.2018 - 14:15
Please post evidence while making claims. Evidently it seems you are twisting what happened to meet the expectations of your fantasy. Post proofs that I muted you on all channels/forum BECAUSE you were "battling" me in off topic. Otherwise your post is pillory, and I would like to ask you to remove it. Edit: I say this because mods have a lot of stuff documented (not everything) but we don't air your dirty laundry. I just ask you post evidence while calling mine dirty.
02.04.2018 - 14:26
You offer to mediate, brian explains why its a bad idea and you then you make this rather immature reply. What about our responses indicates we don't care. While we appreciate players having a desire to help this indicates that you wouldn't be very good at mediation anyway even if the suggestion did have merit. /thread
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02.04.2018 - 22:01
Sorry, but I had to say one thing. This is a great idea Juger, and I will work with you anytime you try to mediate with players & mods, and I wanted to apologize for my bluntness. Sometimes we get carried away keeping things simple, and we stick to what we already are familiar with. I ensure you, that I (and every mod that I am aware of) loves this community dearly, and would bend over backwards to do what I think is right. I deeply appreciate players like you who want to make peace when they see a problem. Your Idea may not work flawlessly, but give it a try. I'll try to do my part if you message me. Cheers.
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