But he lives in the states so he wait till 21 xaxaxa
You realize teens under 21 are allowed to drink if their parents buy the drink and they do it in their own homes. Lots of parents have their kids try alcohol when they're in their early teens.
But he lives in the states so he wait till 21 xaxaxa
You realize teens under 21 are allowed to drink if their parents buy the drink and they do it in their own homes. Lots of parents have their kids try alcohol when they're in their early teens.
They call alcohol poison for a reason, you know. It is poison that is intended to kill you. You aren't supposed to drink fermented yeast, that's actually disgusting when you think about it. All alcohol does is poison people so that they don't have to deal with the real world. The real world is rough, and if you can't fucking handle it then I don't know why you are here.
When I see people drink alcohol, it is sad. Not only are they killing themselves, but they are also clearly insecure about their own lives and don't know how to handle a basic 9-to-5 job. Any parent who gives their kid alcohol is an idiot that deserves to be in prison.