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Küldte Tribune Aquila, 28.10.2019 - 21:48
So, I've decided to change my mind. It turns out that the United States was founded by racists, the Framers of my country were slaveholders and, by extension, as much as I hate to admit it, the government of my country is an inherently racist institution. I've compiled a lot of evidence to support this claim, please read below; it's very persuasive: (I'm being facetious by the way!)

    The Declaration of Independence states clearly and unequivocally, "all men are created equal"; it does not say that some men are created equal, or that all white men, or all Englishmen, or all Americans, or all Christians are created equal. A quick review of the primary source literature from the period demonstrates conclusively that by "men" the revolutionary generation meant "mankind," that is, humankind. See Thomas G. West, Vindicating the Founders: Race, Sex, Class, and Justice in the Origins of America (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1997), chap. 3.

    Thomas Jefferson, in his Notes on the State of Virginia criticized various Native American tribes for their treatment of women and for their failure to recognize the fact that women are equal to men in the rights they retain by nature. Jefferson wrote: "The [Native American] women are submitted to unjust drudgery. This I believe is the case with every barbarous people. With such, force is law. The stronger sex therefore imposes on the weaker. It is civilization alone which replaces women in the enjoyment of their natural equality. That first teaches us to subdue the selfish passions, and to respect those rights in others which we value in ourselves." See Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia (1783), Query 6, in Portable Thomas Jefferson, 96-97. (docsouth.unc.edu/southlit/jefferson/jefferson.html)

    Benjamin Franklin, speaking as president of the Pennsylvania Society of promoting and Abolition of Slavery, described slavery as "an atrocious debasement of human nature." See Benjamin Franklin, "An Address to the Public from the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage" (1789), in The Complete Works of Benjamin Franklin, ed. John Bigelow (New York: Putnam, 1904), 12:157-58. (oll.libertyfund.org/titles/franklin-the-works-of-benjamin-franklin-in-12-vols)

    Speaking at the Virginia Convention to ratify the proposed federal constitution, Patrick Henry told a room filled with many fellow slaveholders: "Slavery is detested—we feel its fatal effects—we deplore it with all the pity of humanity....As much as I deplore slavery, I see that prudence forbids its abolition....I repeat it again, that it would rejoice my very soul, that every one of my fellow beings was emancipated." See Henry, speaking to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 24, 1788, in Ratification of the Constitution by the States: Virginia (3), ed. John P. Kaminski et al., vol. 10 of The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, ed. Merrill Jensen (Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1993). (1476-88, avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/ratva.asp)

    George Washington, a slaveholder, told a friend, "There is not a man living, who wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted for the abolition of [slavery]." See George Washington to Robert Morris, April 12, 1786, in The Writings of George Washington, ed. Worthington Chauncey Ford (New York: Putnam's, 1891), 11:25. (oll.libertyfund.org/titles/washington-the-writings-of-george-washington-vol-i-1748-1757)

    At the Constitution Convention in 1787, James Madison told his colleagues, "We have seen the mere distinction of color made in the most enlightened period of time, a ground of the most oppressive dominion ever exercised by man over man." See James Madison, speech at Constitutional Convention, June 6, 1787, in Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1786, Reported by James Madison, ed. Adrienne Koch (Athens: Ohio University Press, 1966, 77. (oll.libertyfund.org/pages/1787-madison-s-notes-of-debates-in-the-federal-convention)

    John Adams told a correspondent in 1819 that he had held "the practice of slavery in abhorrence" through his entire life. See Adams to Robert Evans, June 18, 1819, Works of Adams, 380. (oll.libertyfund.org/titles/adams-the-works-of-john-adams-vol-1-life-of-the-author)

    Richard Wells, a Philadelphia Quaker, published a devastating critique of American slavery. In his 1774 pamphlet A Few Political Reflections, Wells excoriated his countrymen for their complicity in slavery and called on them to examine their "own conduct" relative to the particular institution. He asked: "whether we can reconcile the exercise of slavery with our professions of freedom, 'founded on the law of God and nature, and the common rights of mankind.'" Wells declared that "ALL the inhabitants of America [including slaves] are entitled to the privileges of the inhabitants of Great-Britain." See Wells, A Few Political Reflections, in Colonies to Nation, 393-96. (quod.lib.umich.edu/e/evans/N10868.0001.001?rgn=main;view=fulltext)

    Jefferson's first public statement on slavery was published in 1774, in A Summary View of the Rights of British-America, in which he denounced George III for vetoing American legislation attempting to end the African slave trade: "The abolition of domestic slavery is the great object of desire in those colonies, where it was unhappily introduced in their infant state. But previous to the enfranchisement of the slaves we have, it is necessary to exclude all further importations from Africa....preferring the immediate advantages of a few African corsairs to the lasting interests of the American states, and to the rights of human nature, deeply wounded by this infamous practice." See Jefferson, Summary View of the Rights of British-America, in Colonies to Nation, 234. (oll.libertyfund.org/titles/jefferson-the-works-vol-2-1771-1779)

    In his 1773 pamphlet An Address to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements in America, on the Slavery of the Negroes in America, Benjamin Rush denounced "Slave-keeping" as an unmitigated "evil." See Benjamin Rush, An Address to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements in America, on the Slavery of the Negroes in America (Philadelphia, 1773), 1-2, 19-20, 25-26. (quod.lib.umich.edu/e/evans/N10229.0001.001/1:2?rgn=div1;view=fulltext)

    Thomas Jefferson was committed to the antislavery cause in more than just speech. In 1779, he authored a bill for the Virginia House of Burgesses that provided for gradual emancipation in Virginia. Five years later, he proposed (unsuccessfully) a law that would have banned slavery from the entire western territory of the United States. As president, he implored Congress to "withdraw the citizens of the United States from all further participation in those violations of human rights which have been so long continued on the unoffending inhabitants of Africa, and which the morality, the reputation, and the best interests of our country, have long been eager to proscribe." See Jefferson, Sixth Annual Message (1806), in Writings of Jefferson, 3:421. (avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/jeffmes6.asp)

    David Cooper said that the promise of the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution was clear: "The disquisitions and reasonings of the present day on the rights of men, have opened the eyes of multitudes who clearly see, that, in advocating the rights of humanity, their slavers are equally included with themselves." The time had therefore come for America's Patriot leaders to practice what they preached: "We expect, mankind expects, you to demonstrate your faith by your works, the sincerity if your words by your actions, in giving the power, with which you are invested, its utmost energy in promoting equal and impartial liberty to all whose lots are cast within the reach of its influence." See [David Cooper], A Serious Address to the Rulers of America on the Inconsistency of Their Conduct Respecting Slavery: Forming a Contrast Between the Encroachments of England on American Liberty, and American Injustice in Tolerating Slavery (Trenton, NJ: Isaac Collins, 1783), 4, 6, 12-13, 16-18. (quod.lib.umich.edu/e/evans/N14096.0001.001/1:2?rgn=div1;view=fulltext)
31.10.2019 - 18:40
Általa írva Player 999, 31.10.2019 at 05:03
Do you live in your parents' basement and have a victim mentality towards life, and then spam this site because the only thing you identify with in life is your race?

So we've gone from claiming I'm a dangerous 'nazi' who you accuse of spitting hate and seeking genocide, to now claiming I'm an unemployed loner living with his parents?

To all those reading, this is how they operate and how to spot them. Their lines of attack change. First he was the SJW fearful of hate and desiring equality, and now he's the snarky conservative gleefully attacking my perceived economic and social status. If this continued, I have no doubt the next line of attack would be claims of jealousy and envy of his tribal wealth and power that he previously denied. If you read through his past messages, he goes into statistics and effortposting rhetoric when debating Tirpitz. He'd use the occasional insult but still made some attempts at pretending he held some principled stance as to why Tirpitz should just roll over and let his country burn. But with me, he's done nothing but attack, attack, attack, trying his absolute best to avoid any actual discussion, setting conditions, unwinnable scenarios and attempting to shut me down through social smearing and backroom whispers. None of it has worked. He cannot compete in the realm of philsophy and practical application into reality, because he has no answers. He's a self-admitted neo-liberal that agrees with EVERYTHING the status quo does.

He's changed the line of attack from progressive to conservative. His previous attacks didn't work. They were deconstructed. This is all he has left: more unfalsifiable claims which are irrelevant to the discussion, but it exposes him if you read into it. It exposes the fact he has no principled stand on any of these issues. He attacks based on 'spreading hate and supremacy' but in previous messages eagerly claim whites were inferior. He claims to want equality and equity, but attacks me on perceived economic and social conditions. One can only conclude that he doesn't care about 'racism' or 'inequality'. He uses both as an attack and a defense, switching based on which benefits the most at the time. So why does he do this? His worldview doesn't stem from political theory, but a DEEPLY neurotically opposition to any sentiment of European nativism. Hdrakon makes clear, brazen ethno-nationalist statements and justifies the horrors of Israeli policy towards its minority population and neighbours.... and C Sharp... likes his posts? LOL. Weird, don't you think? The is only conclusion that can be made of C Sharp's motives: Tribal Supremacy, with Europeans perceived as the primal antagonist.

Általa írva Player 999, 31.10.2019 at 05:03
Less than 0.1% of people hold the views you do.

This is a false claim. A super majority of people oppose immigration, the majority support left leaning economics, the majority are socially conservative and the majority oppose aggressive foreign policies/occupations in the Middle East. It is you who holds views of the 1%, or should I say... the 2%.

Általa írva Player 999, 31.10.2019 at 05:03
Anyways, it's not worth wasting my time on some random kid on a browser game. Have fun

And there we have it. He eagerly and happily debates others he accuses of being 'racists' and 'nazis', but he fears me. He wrote effortpost after effortpost debating Tirpitz and others for years, but he disengages from me. He engaged before, but now, he just can't do it anymore.

I allegorically nailed him to a cross.

Általa írva Tik-Tok, 30.10.2019 at 14:58
C Sharp does not hold a philosophical view. He is a Jewish Identitarian. His worldview is molded by what is useful to his tribe. His neo-liberalism is a tried and tested political variant which is the best vehicle for those interests, nothing more. You've naive if you think he holds some autistic loyalty to a political theory.

Általa írva Tik-Tok, 30.10.2019 at 14:58
C Sharp doesn't give a fuck about these things. The man is a zionist who supports a Jewish ethno-state but also demands that all European nations open their borders and accept a disastrous fate as a dwindling minority. He is gleeful about this.

He has no principle except his own tribal supremacism, and any accusations he makes against other nativist sentiment is just a projection of how he feels and how his interests act out in the world. His worldview leads to genocide, his worldview leads to inequality, his worldview is racist, and his worldview is as evil as it gets; personified as such:

31.10.2019 - 22:22
Általa írva Player 999, 31.10.2019 at 05:12

Általa írva Tirpitz406, 30.10.2019 at 13:39

Well, I like my people, and I don't want my people to lose it's land. Germany is our safe space, it's our home. It's nobody else's home, and I want us to keep it. Why would I want people to take over our land? Look, if we accept millions of Asians, our home would become like Asia, and I don't want that. You may argue, that a country more like Hong Kong would give us a higher standard of living, but I don't want to live in Hong Kong, I want to live in Germany, among other Germans. Yes, of course, if all you care about is money, then you would take the Asian, but my home is more than just monetary value. Btw, I wouldn't mind some really low migration rates, like 4000, 5000, of absolute geniusses, but as soon as these people don't interbreed with the local population at higher rates than new migrants can come in, the shape of our country is changing to whatever the migrants bring.

But yea, you'll just claim I'm hateful I presume. You know what, if that's what you want to think, go ahead, I don't care.

Of course there is nothing wrong with Germans wanting to be among others of the German ethnicity. As long as race isn't a factor , the majority of people in society, even left-wing people, would agree with you that cultures have a right to continue to exist.

Lol. This is the most indirect waying of saying "Germans of German ancenstry don't have a right to exist, a German is a social contruct"

When normal people say "Chinese", "African", "Japense", "Arabian" everyone pictures some one with that respective ancenstry. But why when you and other progressives say "German", "Anglo" or "insert european ethnicity here" why does your kind always implies that those terms should be ethnically ambiguous? I believe your behaviour is intellectually dishonest.

Like, you might as well tell him "Your Tribe has a right to exist as long as I, not you, get to decide who is part of your tribe and who is not"
01.11.2019 - 05:15
Általa írva Tirpitz406, 31.10.2019 at 06:27
Are you trying to tell me who is and is not German? Somebody of German ancestry, with German culture is German. Nobody else. You can't tell us who we have to accept. I don't get what your issue is, with letting people define themselves as they wish. It's not just some language and tribal costumes, it's blood, and you trying to tell me who is and isn't German is proposterous. It's not just a tradition I wish to preserve, it's an ethnicity.

Love it. Moral fortitude. Self-determined. He does not get to make the rules. He does not get to dictate the tone. Fuck his rules.

Általa írva Tundy, 31.10.2019 at 22:22
Like, you might as well tell him "Your Tribe has a right to exist as long as I, not you, get to decide who is part of your tribe and who is not"

Exactly. C Sharp speaks from an incredibly unjustified position of power. There's only one group of people I ever hear speak like this, and speak as if they hold power over these things. This is a quote from C Sharp directed at Tirpitz from a year ago:

Általa írva Player 999, 11.11.2018 at 20:36
germany isn't your damn country. You are merely a citizen in it.

"You are merely a citizen in it."
"You are mere cattle. I dictate who and what this state and system is. Not you, peasant. Your 10,000 year connection to this land and people and all it represents is meaningless now, I decide what it is. And I hated what it was."

Pure. Fucking. Evil. Total dehuamnisation and atomisation. This is the language of hatred. It is the language of someone who perceives they wield enormous power and authority, and eagerly seeks this authority to bludgeon Tirpitz with a brutalist message dictating that he is nothing. This is literary 'Brutalism'.
01.11.2019 - 20:02
Általa írva Player 999, 01.11.2019 at 13:26
Your anti-semitic/racist views are very clear to all, as I've stated several times. Anyways, I won't bother engaging with someone who is incapable of seeing other human beings as equal. Have fun debating HDrakon or whoever else will bother.

I respect your effort in creating arguments that are well thought out (even if hateful), but that effort should probably be redirected into doing something productive in your real life, instead of attacking fellow human beings just for being a different race or religion.

Oh really? That's an odd thing for you to say. I think your clear rampant hypocrisy and hatred deserves its own thread. I have over 1100 posts for your too look through and not once have I said anything hateful or violent. It's up to you to prove it. Critique, observation and philosophy are not hateful, but you have said many, many hateful, gleeful and supremacist statements for years, mostly directed at any kind of European nativism.
01.11.2019 - 20:10
Általa írva Tik-Tok, 01.11.2019 at 20:02

Általa írva Player 999, 01.11.2019 at 13:26
Your anti-semitic/racist views are very clear to all, as I've stated several times. Anyways, I won't bother engaging with someone who is incapable of seeing other human beings as equal. Have fun debating HDrakon or whoever else will bother.

I respect your effort in creating arguments that are well thought out (even if hateful), but that effort should probably be redirected into doing something productive in your real life, instead of attacking fellow human beings just for being a different race or religion.

Oh really? That's an odd thing for you to say. I think your clear rampant hypocrisy and hatred deserves its own thread. I have over 1300 posts for your too look through and not once have I said anything hateful or violent. It's up to you to prove it. Critique, observation and philosophy are not hateful, but you have said many, many hateful, gleeful and supremacist statements for years, mostly directed at any kind of European nativism.

Words are subjective you racist clown. According to a progressive interpretation of the English language, you're a nazi fuck hellbent on fucking over the jews, the blacks, and minorities of all stripes, colors, and creeds. Words don't mean what they meant at the time they were written, anyone who suggests that is a racist fuck.
Happiness = reality - expectations
02.11.2019 - 06:23
Általa írva Player 999, 01.11.2019 at 13:28

The context of that was that Tirpitz (the individual) alone does not have the right to determine the fate of the country, though of course he deserves a voice. It's the citizens as a whole who have the right to determine, and that determination should be based on what is best for the country, not based on hatred for different races. You really like to spend hours and hours over arguments on a browser game, don't you?

Well, the NATION of GERMANY defines itself by ancestry. So, you don't need to take it from me, you can take it from Wikipedia:
Germans (German: Deutsche) are a Germanic ethnic group native to Central Europe,[25][26][27][28] who share a common German ancestry, culture and history. German is the shared mother tongue of a substantial majority of ethnic Germans.

And NO, this still has nothing to do with hatred, you just see what you want to see, reality doesn't bother you.

04.11.2019 - 20:29
Általa írva Tirpitz406, 02.11.2019 at 06:23

Well, the NATION of GERMANY defines itself by ancestry. So, you don't need to take it from me, you can take it from Wikipedia:
Germans (German: Deutsche) are a Germanic ethnic group native to Central Europe,[25][26][27][28] who share a common German ancestry, culture and history. German is the shared mother tongue of a substantial majority of ethnic Germans.

And NO, this still has nothing to do with hatred, you just see what you want to see, reality doesn't bother you.

I suppose Germany is indeed that lol. I'm not against ethnic groups wanting a homeland; that's literally how every country in the world was eventually formed. I'm just against race being used as a justification as a homeland, which sometimes is the case (there are a few thousand idiotic white nationalists in the US). But if you're using ethnicity as a justification, I agree that it is 100% legitimate; every country in the world has some legitimate form of that (America and some other countries settled mostly after 1700/1800 may be an exception)

Germany has every right to be the homeland of German people (people who speak the German language and have German ethnicity). I'm just curious what your stance against immigration is for, granted the immigration is high skilled and relatively limited? I agree that the refugee crisis has been a burden on Germany, but why restrict people who are high skilled, educated, and willing to assimilate? Ofc I don't care about Syrians lmao. But what about genius Chinese doctors and grad students, who would make a disproportionate contribution to the German economy and also be willing to assimilate? Usually the highly-educated of any country are willing to assimilate and have good values overall.
05.11.2019 - 06:49
Általa írva Player 999, 04.11.2019 at 20:29

Általa írva Tirpitz406, 02.11.2019 at 06:23

Well, the NATION of GERMANY defines itself by ancestry. So, you don't need to take it from me, you can take it from Wikipedia:
Germans (German: Deutsche) are a Germanic ethnic group native to Central Europe,[25][26][27][28] who share a common German ancestry, culture and history. German is the shared mother tongue of a substantial majority of ethnic Germans.

And NO, this still has nothing to do with hatred, you just see what you want to see, reality doesn't bother you.

I suppose Germany is indeed that lol. I'm not against ethnic groups wanting a homeland; that's literally how every country in the world was eventually formed. I'm just against race being used as a justification as a homeland, which sometimes is the case (there are a few thousand idiotic white nationalists in the US). But if you're using ethnicity as a justification, I agree that it is 100% legitimate; every country in the world has some legitimate form of that (America and some other countries settled mostly after 1700/1800 may be an exception)

Germany has every right to be the homeland of German people (people who speak the German language and have German ethnicity). I'm just curious what your stance against immigration is for, granted the immigration is high skilled and relatively limited? I agree that the refugee crisis has been a burden on Germany, but why restrict people who are high skilled, educated, and willing to assimilate? Ofc I don't care about Syrians lmao. But what about genius Chinese doctors and grad students, who would make a disproportionate contribution to the German economy and also be willing to assimilate? Usually the highly-educated of any country are willing to assimilate and have good values overall.

Most immigrants will say they are willing to assimilate but very few actually are. I want the immigration to be so low, that the people coming here have to assimilate, because they are too few to form seperate communities. That's why I said 5000, because 5000*80=400000 which means that whatever the age of the migrants is, there will never be a population of more than 400 000 migrants in the country, so you will never get a substantial minority that can form it's own society. These immigrants would be forced to marry into the German population, and I would probably choose those migrants to be 50% of the highest IQ, lowest in dark triads, high in agreeableness and conscientiousness males and females, so you get a balanced gender ratio. One could even claim, that this model for immigration essentially is positive eugenics. Besides it, one could allow more ancestrally closer people to immigrate. For example Frenchmen and Poles, simply because they wont alter the ancestry composition and culture as much.

"Skilled" doesn't mean shit btw, most degrees are worthless nowadays.
I wouldn't want millions of people with worthless degrees, or even millions of high IQ people, because the economy in itself isn't important, what matters to me are my people.

05.11.2019 - 16:56
Általa írva Tirpitz406, 05.11.2019 at 06:49

Most immigrants will say they are willing to assimilate but very few actually are. I want the immigration to be so low, that the people coming here have to assimilate, because they are too few to form seperate communities. That's why I said 5000, because 5000*80=400000 which means that whatever the age of the migrants is, there will never be a population of more than 400 000 migrants in the country, so you will never get a substantial minority that can form it's own society. These immigrants would be forced to marry into the German population, and I would probably choose those migrants to be 50% of the highest IQ, lowest in dark triads, high in agreeableness and conscientiousness males and females, so you get a balanced gender ratio. One could even claim, that this model for immigration essentially is positive eugenics. Besides it, one could allow more ancestrally closer people to immigrate. For example Frenchmen and Poles, simply because they wont alter the ancestry composition and culture as much.

Yeah I agree that immigrants should assimiliate and there should not be siloed societies. All immigrants to a country can follow whichever culture they want, of course, but must follow the country's civic values and laws. I guess there is simply a difference between the American and German mindsets towards immigration. Over here, America was built by immigration and immigrants have for the most part assimilated; people can of course follow whichever culture they like (you can see that Irish/Polish/German/Hispanic/Asian populations for example follow their customs/religions freely), but they must follow American civic values. I agree with you that immigrants to Germany must follow German laws and civic values, or else German society would be weakened.

Because the vast amount of immigrants here tend to assimilate (and because 99.7% of current American citizens have also had immigrant ancestors from after the arrival of the Mayflower), America is relatively tolerant of immigration. America's H1b and F1 programs tend to select for immigrants skilled in needed industries (there of course are a few issues with H1b, but as a whole it has been an overwhelming positive for America). And H1b/F1 people aren't just top 50% of IQ; they are the top 10%, top 5%, and even top 1% of IQ. Silicon Valley companies and the US education system would be severely weakened without foreign talent; China/India especially have massive amounts of top talent that are a great benefit to the US economy.

I admit that illegal immigration from Mexico/Latin America, which is mostly low-skilled, is causing depressed wages for the American working class though. That's why there is a push-back from the American right-wing to severely reduce illegal immigration.

America is a country based on immigration, and I guess Germany may be different; your ancestors may have lived in Germany for hundreds or thousands of years, but Americans' ancestors on average have only been here for 50-200 years. So I acknowledge difference viewpoints towards immigration between me and you. Perhaps our viewpoints are based on what has worked in our respective countries. Maybe I'd be anti-immigration if I was born as a German. I hope Germany is able to weather the refugee crisis and low birthrates successfully.
05.11.2019 - 23:03
Általa írva U-94, 05.11.2019 at 17:34
America is a country of European immigrants

Little nitpick.
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