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01.08.2016 - 16:08
So you can call this a cry thread or me being a sore loser of whatever helps you sleep at night, but I thought that problems like these shouldn't been put away in the silentbox.

So to start of I would like to say that I barely play CW's, and most of us know this this. However the one time I play a cw I get disconnected 4x in 1 single game? lost 3 and a half full turn because of it. So my question stands, what the hell is exactly happening with this server? Are Amok and Ivan done with this game, if so, just announce it so others can find a game that actually has trustyfull servers people can rely on.. if not, why are these problems that have been here for ages not been fixed yet?

And don't get me wrong, but alot of people are waiting for the map editor thing to come along, people have been fucking swallowing all this delay, swallowing all the bugs/cheats exploit, the helpchatspammers, the hackers, all of the shit, people still stayed here, alot have left and its their good right, but still alot of loyal people play this game till this day on. Yet the only thing that made them stay is also having HUGE problems with those daily disconnections and fking restarts. This game is from freaking 2010 and still it seems like its on air for atleast a couple of months. I aint asking much just to for once in a while fix some tweeks and have reliable servers, is it to much asked after all the shit that happened?

Általa írva Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
01.08.2016 - 16:53
Your profile says you're from Djibouti. That's good! Just cross your western border and you'll find atWar's servers. Then you can fix them.
Someone Better Than You
01.08.2016 - 17:21
Általa írva Zephyrusu, 01.08.2016 at 16:53

Your profile says you're from Djibouti. That's good! Just cross your western border and you'll find atWar's servers. Then you can fix them.

Attempt to be funny failed. Try again next time.


#Edited, actually since the servers are from Somalia, my net should be one of the best <3. Just a fyi.:D

Általa írva Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
01.08.2016 - 19:07
Today i got more dcs than i get dcs in a month ( and i dc a lot because macedonian net is op) so you know theres a problem
01.08.2016 - 19:13
Neglecting the game

ffs dont let the game rot like this, find more programmers, do an overhaul with how the game is processed and ran, atleast try something so you can get the communities' respect back
01.08.2016 - 23:23

01.08.2016 - 23:28
Tbh, i think it is because of all the glitching we have done these past two days.
01.08.2016 - 23:54
Általa írva Waffel, 01.08.2016 at 17:21

Általa írva Zephyrusu, 01.08.2016 at 16:53

Your profile says you're from Djibouti. That's good! Just cross your western border and you'll find atWar's servers. Then you can fix them.

Attempt to be funny failed. Try again next time.

i think he was pretty successful .

But yea the servers suck atm.
02.08.2016 - 21:57
The servers were always shitty. But don't worry they only had five years so far it will all run fine in another decade
03.08.2016 - 02:33
Általa írva SuperiorCacaocow, 02.08.2016 at 21:57

The servers were always shitty. But don't worry they only had five years so far it will all run fine in another decade


Általa írva Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
03.08.2016 - 11:08
Let's all go play Server Go, we gotta catch 'em all!
03.08.2016 - 14:18
Általa írva Al Fappino, 03.08.2016 at 11:08

Let's all go play Server Go, we gotta catch 'em all!

By' them' you mean the bits of code that make up the map editor that Amok is desperately searching for while the entire AW community berates him over and over and over?

03.08.2016 - 14:25
Általa írva Darth., 03.08.2016 at 14:18

Általa írva Al Fappino, 03.08.2016 at 11:08

Let's all go play Server Go, we gotta catch 'em all!

By' them' you mean the bits of code that make up the map editor that Amok is desperately searching for while the entire AW community berates him over and over and over?

You killed the joke, B R A V O
03.08.2016 - 14:28
Általa írva Al Fappino, 03.08.2016 at 14:25

Általa írva Darth., 03.08.2016 at 14:18

Általa írva Al Fappino, 03.08.2016 at 11:08

Let's all go play Server Go, we gotta catch 'em all!

By' them' you mean the bits of code that make up the map editor that Amok is desperately searching for while the entire AW community berates him over and over and over?

You killed the joke, B R A V O

Ahahaha thank you
But speaking more seriously, with the server problems these last 2 months, the lack of dev response to any messages/posts AW has become disappointing. Still addictive, but disappointing.

03.08.2016 - 14:52
Általa írva Darth., 03.08.2016 at 14:28

Általa írva Al Fappino, 03.08.2016 at 14:25

Általa írva Darth., 03.08.2016 at 14:18

Általa írva Al Fappino, 03.08.2016 at 11:08

Let's all go play Server Go, we gotta catch 'em all!

By' them' you mean the bits of code that make up the map editor that Amok is desperately searching for while the entire AW community berates him over and over and over?

You killed the joke, B R A V O

Ahahaha thank you
But speaking more seriously, with the server problems these last 2 months, the lack of dev response to any messages/posts AW has become disappointing. Still addictive, but disappointing.

They should have a 2nd dev, but that would require extreme trust
03.08.2016 - 15:00
If a game with less than 200 people online at its highest peak a day cant be even controlled by 3 admins, I really think you should promote some more people.
Or give mods more permissions to do something.

Általa írva Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
03.08.2016 - 16:18
Általa írva Waffel, 03.08.2016 at 15:00

a game with less than 200 people online at its highest peak a day cant be even controlled by 3 admins

Holy shit I never looked at it like that.
This is just really sad actually
04.08.2016 - 08:44
Well this is a free browser game so i mean i would expect much out of it
BBW is the best

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