24.04.2022 - 20:10
Netflix is starting to look like unprofitable biotech stock reverse split into oblivion. The market is back down to where it was a year ago. If you invested a dollar a year ago, you would have gained 0% - inflation% If you shorted the market anytime in 2021, most people told you that you are an idiot and clearly lost money. But if you held until now you're looking good. The Michael Burry strategy In hindsight, it will become obvious that inflated crypto currencies and NFTs were "the sign" of impending collapse, just like how .com companies were "the sign" in the 1990s. If TIPS yield ever become positive, I'm going into that. Preserve capital. 5 year annualized inflation projected at 3.5%. If actual exceeds expected, then you should go into TIPS. And what do you think is going to happen? Deflation will never occur in America ever again. I operate under Dec. 2019 dollars. If you had a dollar in 2019 and held it to today, it would be worth 12% less. -12% return in 3 fucking years. Federal Reserve dual mandate is to keep prices stable. WHAT THE FUCK IS STABLE ABOUT THAT? Pretty soon the United States will be like UK. Small food, high prices, stagnating market. The people who will suffer most are firms like Renaissance Technologies whose strategies don't scale. Please bring interest rates back up Powell... double digits or so and I promise the economy won't stagnate forever. Fuck this. ![]() Netflix and The Facebook aren't going to survive this go-around. Apple will turn into a Microsoft. Tesla will acquire every stock and turn into the future of civilization.
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
25.04.2022 - 19:44
IMO Netflix is a good buy right now. Super undervalued considering something like Squid game comes around again and the stock spikes.
26.04.2022 - 03:18
They can't afford to raise the interests rates since it would increase inflation and kill all the public states and institutions that rely entirely on cheap money. It's a vicious circle that can only lead to a good and healthy crisis that will restore things. At the cost of poverty and civil troubles.
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09.05.2022 - 20:05
May 9th, 2022 was probably the worst day of the year so far for the overall market S&P500 down 17% from highs Nasdaq down 26% from highs Should have expected this performance when an algorithm pumped the market up 5% after the May FOMC meeting, then dumped the entire 5% the following morning. Fed funds rate expected to come up through more 0.50% hikes Inflation is expected to come down to around 8.1% YOY with small margin of error https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi Therefore, the 5-year annualized real yield is about to become positive again https://home.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/TextView?type=daily_treasury_real_yield_curve&field_tdr_date_value_month=202205 Things are normalizing, but there is going to be pain and the market will bear the brunt of the cost
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
14.06.2022 - 01:27
Tips is positive, everyone. Free money, hold for taxes. https://home.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/TextView?type=daily_treasury_real_yield_curve&field_tdr_date_value_month=202206 I want a chicken breast, hold the chicken. I'm going to do a lot of research this summer and a lot of good work will be done. I will share some of what I find soon, and I will also post on Reddit and stocktwits. My earlier posts are total shit they don't even scratch the surface.
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
17.06.2022 - 10:47
Cheers to you if you can maintain this effort. I did it from mid2019-early2022 before calling it a day and all inning on VOO.
---- The bitterest truth is sometimes better than the sweetest lie - Griffin, MIB III
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