Légy prémium hirdetések elrejtéséhez
Posztolt üzenetek: 3   Meglátogatva: 39 users
28.07.2013 - 20:14
Not sure if this has already been suggested, but is it possible to create a feature that will allow users to convert SP to ProtoCoins?

I'm not sure what the conversion factor could be (I'm sure the admins can find the right ratio), but I was thinking 250 SP = 1 ProtoCoin

At this rate, 399 ProtoCoins (1 Month Premium) would cost 99,750 SP. If using the 50 bonus SP from sign up, it would cost 87,250.
29.07.2013 - 01:40
I don't remember a suggestion anywhere about it.

Here's why they won't run with it:


If you could convert SP into protocoins then theoretically speaking you could create an endless amount of protocoins- not needing to ever buy a single one with your own money. Thus ends the point of ProtoCoins. Which isn't a bad thing- the site needs to be kept running and repairs must be made consistently. This all makes it happen.

Perhaps there is hope in a feature like this for premium users, however the removal of SP would have to affect their overall position & rank. So let's suppose you're a rank 8 with so and so SP. If you convert it to enough proocoins you will be downed to a rank 7 or something.

Besides that, I don't see it happening. Even my concept for it is a stretch.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
29.07.2013 - 09:16
Please see first topic about this: here

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