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Posztolt üzenetek: 25   Meglátogatva: 80 users
06.10.2012 - 22:13
Hunger Games
Felhasználó törölve
After 60 days of not being active the account should automatically be destroyed. some accounts on afterwind have been inactive for more then a year. it's obvious that if you haven't been active for 60 days then you're never coming back
06.10.2012 - 23:02
Általa írva Guest, 06.10.2012 at 22:39

Általa írva Tundy, 06.10.2012 at 22:32

Általa írva Guest, 06.10.2012 at 22:21

Általa írva Tundy, 06.10.2012 at 22:19

No,shut up. go to your hole, Fag.
this a stupid idea, most people are absent more than a year and come back.
[i dont play for 5 months, and now im playing].

moderators please destroy this homophobic ass's account.

mods, please destroy the noob,spammer,ally-fag,backstaber,enemy,ignored,muted and idiot with a retarded IQ that quoted my post.

moderators please eliminate this crazy ass. for humanity's sake please.

Mr Socialist is a troll who is only behind confusion
06.10.2012 - 23:27
Általa írva RichardW, 06.10.2012 at 23:02

Mr Socialist is a troll who is only behind confusion

Please don't feed the trolls. We will deal with them. Please don't comment off topic or insult other players in this thread.

For the idea, I think it's terrible. Many players have returned after 60+ days absent.
06.10.2012 - 23:53
Hunger Games
Felhasználó törölve
Make it 6 years. i don't care. i just want a max time to be inactive before you get eliminated. anytime is good for me. but you can't have a guy register, play one day then never come back and have his account on afterwind for forever.
07.10.2012 - 00:09
Unnecessary to the maximum. Honestly, why do you care about this? If a player is inactive there's a reason, (bored and wishes to return later, vacation, school, studies etc...)
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
07.10.2012 - 04:09
Disapearing off the top lists is enough, there is no need to delete accounts.
07.10.2012 - 08:47
Hunger Games
Felhasználó törölve
What vacation would last over a year. if he get's bored and leaves and doesn't come back then he should be eliminated. if you think 60 days is too short then make it 90 days or 6 months or 1 year .
07.10.2012 - 11:07
Why do you even care about this?
07.10.2012 - 11:15
I think we could discuss it further if the advantages of it being implemented were explained. At the moment, I see no benefit on it.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
07.10.2012 - 11:16
Általa írva tophat, 07.10.2012 at 00:09

Unnecessary to the maximum. Honestly, why do you care about this? If a player is inactive there's a reason, (bored and wishes to return later, vacation, school, studies etc...)

I was 5 months without playing and returned
07.10.2012 - 13:42
Általa írva RichardW, 07.10.2012 at 11:16

Általa írva tophat, 07.10.2012 at 00:09

Unnecessary to the maximum. Honestly, why do you care about this? If a player is inactive there's a reason, (bored and wishes to return later, vacation, school, studies etc...)

I was 5 months without playing and returned

I did similarly.

When I returned, I also happened to bring a lot of new players with me from ROBLOX (See: Constant C&G games running), so it ended up being beneficial to AW.

While this isn't exactly a common scenario, I daresay almost everyone who's returned after a long time has brought at least one or two people with them, so I don't see why removing their accounts is necessary.
07.10.2012 - 16:24
Általa írva goodnames679, 07.10.2012 at 13:42

Általa írva RichardW, 07.10.2012 at 11:16

Általa írva tophat, 07.10.2012 at 00:09

Unnecessary to the maximum. Honestly, why do you care about this? If a player is inactive there's a reason, (bored and wishes to return later, vacation, school, studies etc...)

I was 5 months without playing and returned

I did similarly.

When I returned, I also happened to bring a lot of new players with me from ROBLOX (See: Constant C&G games running), so it ended up being beneficial to AW.

While this isn't exactly a common scenario, I daresay almost everyone who's returned after a long time has brought at least one or two people with them, so I don't see why removing their accounts is necessary.

Dat C&G
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
12.10.2012 - 01:11
Általa írva Guest, 06.10.2012 at 22:13

After 60 days of not being active the account should automatically be destroyed. some accounts on afterwind have been inactive for more then a year. it's obvious that if you haven't been active for 60 days then you're never coming back

This idea is very bad ,i dont like this idea ok soon meybe i will be offline 61 days why my profile to be automatically destroyed?????? i spend 8 months playing in this game to became rank 10,also what abaut acaunts (players) who paid for premium and go 61 days offline.sorry man this is very bad idea ,i like my acaunt forever to stay here no matter how much days i will be offline .

12.10.2012 - 09:22
Do not make replies in this post.
Let it miss in darkness with all those tones of post of ideas and suggestions...
I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive:

"I... Feel a little dead inside"
12.10.2012 - 16:52
This guy should get baned from the forum of ideas and suggestion, his ideas are rlly bad
20.10.2012 - 07:31
I went to camp this year (sleep over camp) which lasted two months. I don't want to lose my account because of that. Make it 100 days. Keep in mind some people take long vacations.

20.10.2012 - 07:34
Általa írva goodnames679, 07.10.2012 at 13:42

Általa írva RichardW, 07.10.2012 at 11:16

Általa írva tophat, 07.10.2012 at 00:09

Unnecessary to the maximum. Honestly, why do you care about this? If a player is inactive there's a reason, (bored and wishes to return later, vacation, school, studies etc...)

I was 5 months without playing and returned

I did similarly.

When I returned, I also happened to bring a lot of new players with me from ROBLOX (See: Constant C&G games running), so it ended up being beneficial to AW.

While this isn't exactly a common scenario, I daresay almost everyone who's returned after a long time has brought at least one or two people with them, so I don't see why removing their accounts is necessary.

You modar chodars don't invite me to C&G games? Fuck you.

20.10.2012 - 07:49
Last game: world! (46) +264 144d ago

maybe delete them after more then 2 years
20.10.2012 - 17:06
Általa írva KYBL, 20.10.2012 at 07:34

You modar chodars don't invite me to C&G games? Fuck you.

We don't exactly send out detailed invites I only end up in them when I see them already running in the lobby or a thread about it in C&G itself
20.10.2012 - 18:26
I was deployed for 1 year and im still back??? soo.. bad idea
20.10.2012 - 20:29
Általa írva goodnames679, 20.10.2012 at 17:06

Általa írva KYBL, 20.10.2012 at 07:34

You modar chodars don't invite me to C&G games? Fuck you.

We don't exactly send out detailed invites I only end up in them when I see them already running in the lobby or a thread about it in C&G itself

go and play roblox. roblox is full of pedofiles
muahahaha jk.
21.10.2012 - 12:06
21.10.2012 - 12:27
Like me. I came back after 60+ days absent.
04.11.2012 - 16:56
60 days is too short cause i know in the past there have been games where i will take a break from for a month or 2 and come back and ive bought prem on this game and even though its only 20 bucks id be a lil mad at the game company, and even if they make the acc delete from the players list and stuff useing your email you should have an ability to get your account back if ever needed
Sun Tzu~ " Jeder Krieg ist Täuschung."
01.02.2013 - 19:18
Terrible idea! I enjoy taking five year breaks, occasionally.

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