01.01.2013 - 17:29
Well, it is pretty simple. Ability to grant a country independence. Why would one do this? There are two main reasons: 1. Roleplaying - If you are roleplaying as an ancient empire or something and you have OCD, you may not want to own countries that the actual empire never had. I, having OCD or something, have been quite annoyed while conquering things in my own defence while roleplaying as British Empire, and being unable to give it back as neutral later. 2. Saving Money - The truth is, some countries make you less money then it costs. If you were defending a country with Infantry and you don't know what to do with these Infantry anymore and they are just draining your money, whty not grant the country independence along with all the Infantry there? Well, that is really it. Plain and simple. Thanks for reading!
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01.01.2013 - 22:40
Would the fact that players could stuff one unexpensive country with expensive units, and then dump the country be exploiting this, or would this be considered an alright move to lower upkeep? I doubt many people without OCD will roleplay to the point of wanting to make countries neutral, however, I could see it make an appearance in UN games where there's a higher than normal amount of players at peace with each other, where only players with an alliance or players at war can take each other's land. I support, although other than sending units to die to reduce upkeep, there won't be much point in it. Maybe there could also be a function to give it to another player, such as if the land was bought or rightfully owned but was in somebody elses hands, they could give the land to their rightful owner (with both players consent, of course) to speed many things up.
---- "Bitches ain't shit, but hoes and tricks" -Mahatma Gandhi
04.01.2013 - 21:49
I actually think it would be interesting to see what tactics this leads to. I just imagined in my mind the tactic of stuffing a country with units that would ordinarily drain your income and then liberating such units - effectively slowing / stopping your enemy from taking that, and providing a bit of a sacrificial defensive option (the problem being that your opponents could just skip over them, but having more of your own countries within range of a battle is advantageous on it's own)
---- ~goodnamesalltaken~
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