16.09.2012 - 16:03
It's a well known fact that certain countries have better trained/eqquiped troops, and that most countries preform better in a war if it takes place in their territory, rather than fighting overseas. So what i'm proposing is that, in scenarios, we have the option to buff player's unit's atk/def and also be able to have an additional atk/def boost if they're fighting a battle on their home territory (the land they started with at the beginning of the scenario) For Example- Scenario involves China and the United States going to war. U.S. units have a base 10% atk/def better than the Chinese units, so the United States wins in the Pacific and goes to attack Shanghai. However, the Chinese have a 50% atk/def bonus when on their own land, making Shanghai almost impossible to acquire with an equal amount of forces. Therefore, the United States must attack China's land gains in Indonesia and Thailand, where the home territory bonus does not apply to build up more units to eventually overwhelm the Chinese. The buffs will add to each other, not multiply, if a buffed unit is in home territory and nerfs can be given to units instead of buffs I don't think this will add too much complication to the game. It will only be able to be applied in scenarios, where it will be optional to add, and it will be similar to strategys. It may not be possible for the game engine to tell if a unit is actually in a specific country if it's not in the city, so the home territory bonus may only be applicable to cities. What are your thoughts?
---- "Bitches ain't shit, but hoes and tricks" -Mahatma Gandhi
17.09.2012 - 03:19
I think having a boost on the territory would be difficult to put into the game, but I like the idea of having a 1 or 2 defence boost when defending your capital or home country's cities. Would discourage caprushing, prolonging the fight, thus making the game more interesting.
---- "If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics." -The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
22.10.2012 - 18:22
I support this idea... say if you want a scenario with one side's tanks to be better than the others, say German tanks in WW2, or American tanks vs North Korean tanks now.
01.11.2012 - 20:50
Although part of it is outdated (this thread got necrobumped), the home defense is still a valid idea. It's currently impossible to set it that some units preform better when in certain cities.
---- "Bitches ain't shit, but hoes and tricks" -Mahatma Gandhi
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