26.01.2016 - 07:18
I've heard from quite a few players how much they hated moving to the Main room after Beginners at rank 5. Getting completely slaughtered, arrogant high-rank players, leaving friends behind (who are still below rank 5) and so on. This is not fun, and there must be a solution to it. I believe it's been proposed by Pulse to have automatic rank limits in games. For example, if a rank 0 player creates a game, the limit will be set to 0-3 by default. For rank 5 it might be 3-7 and so on. These default values can still be changed on the initial game settings screen. With that in mind, room limits might be broadened, with larger overlap to allow for smoother transition. What do you think? Will it work? What are the potential downsides? What should the default limits be for various ranks? What should be the new room limits?
26.01.2016 - 07:40
In my opinion, mixing high ranks (arrogant or not) with newbies is kinda a bad idea at the very begining of their arrival to the main room, simply because they still have no idea of how this game works. So that suggestion might work for them and also prolong their time to progres before meeting with higher ranks, but only until a certain point. On the other hand, letting newbies decide the rank limits might be an inconvenient since they may simply refuse to play with higher ranks until a certain point in which it can turn into something somewhat sad. Also, the main source of knowledge and training for newbies comes from interacting with higher ranks. If they prefer having fun with newbies due to their fear, they might actually not learn the game properly. Thus, I think it can be acceptable to let rank 5 players to still play with rank 3-4 players. But beyond rank 6 or 7, people need to move on and get in contact with some real skills. I wouldn't recomend to exclude high ranks from interacting with low ranks for ever. If they get to high ranks without having actually faced a strong opponent, it might turn into a pathetic and sad experience for them. PD: in a personal note; as a high rank, I've met arrogant low ranks which simply allyfagged against me in a fearful reaction, which isn't the way for them to be respected... and as a low rank I've experienced the surprise of complete slaughters by high ranks, which taught me a lot and I took them with sense of humor. It all depends on a person's personality, low ranks can be as arrogant as high ranks and not everyone takes a defeat in the same way, depends on their pride and sense of humor.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
26.01.2016 - 08:12
No to any idea that implies the partition of the database. It is already difficult to fill games and this will make it even worsen. EDIT: In some games, they allow you to stay in a level until you decide it's time to move on. We could let beginners stay at rank 4 if they feel like they aren't ready for main room.
26.01.2016 - 08:13
How about a room where low ranks can sort of transition (no not an intermediate room as formerly proposed) and high ranks can take it easy in a sort of training or ''relaxed'' room. Basically this room would be meant to be a non-competitive (doesn't mean good games can't happen there) place where players can sort of mingle or unrust or just take a break from the heated main room. This room would allow low ranks to get introduced to higher level gameplay from high ranks but not to the point where they get slaughtered. Duels would have to be prohibited to prevent high ranks farming low ranks, and it would have to be moderated for trolling or farmers. However, this would strictly depend on how the players use it. If people start playing 3v3s there the experience would be ruined, and if high ranks don't use it the experience will also be ruined. I'd say give it a test to see how the community reacts. This would also make a good place to host bootcamps.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
26.01.2016 - 08:18
Matchmaking with the player selecting which maps they want to play? Might not work as this game is so small. Just don't increase mandatory limits to joining main room.
26.01.2016 - 08:37
Remove begginerz room, and make games have a rank limit by default as pulse suggested. Edit: I disagree with the tactician because his idea to implement a intermediary room will just split the player base even more. As Clovis said above, we can't afford another split as we already lack players in main. Edit2: For the rank limits i will propose the following: ------Newbie---------- rank 0: (0-3) rank 1: (0-4) rank 2: (0-4) ------Low rank---------- rank 3: (0-4) a rank 3 can play the games of a rank 5 if he wants to. rank 4: (0-5) a rank 4 can join the games of any rank ------Intermediate------- rank 5: (3-7) a rank 5 can't play the games of ranks 1-3 but a rank 3 can still join its games. rank 6: (4-8) rank 7: (4-8) ----considered high rank------- rank 8: (4-10) a rank 8 can't join the game of a rank 5, but a rank 5 can join the games of a rank 8 rank 9: (4-15) rank 10,11,12,13,15: (4-15)
26.01.2016 - 09:14
I think that an auto pm with links to important gameplay and info on the game forums when users rank up to 5 would be great.Forums like adopt a newb center or in general just take them to the strategy and tips forum or question etc. I also agree with pulse's idea which is a great one.
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26.01.2016 - 17:54
BTW, if you were to implement pulse's suggestion, you would probably have to make it so that non-prems could change rank limits, so they were not bound by having to play what they are set to by the system. Otherwise it would be counter productive as low ranks could not play higher ranks even if they wanted to
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27.01.2016 - 07:02
Support ![]()
27.01.2016 - 20:11
Allow non-premium players (between rank 5-8) to select rank limit for games they host.
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28.01.2016 - 06:24
My suggestion would be to remove beginners room altogether as pulse said. Splitting the lobbies up into Roleplay/scenarios, competeitive and general maps. With regular games being started by experienced players to help new players in the general maps lobby - and making rank restrictions a non-premium feature. This will remove the overwhelming (for some players) transition process from rank 4-5
---- intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
28.01.2016 - 06:25
Or this, with a cap of 75,000 sp maybe
---- intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
28.01.2016 - 06:26
This though might actually destroy all the game for everyone except them.Because: 1)They will never get better and never learn to go to forums for help. 2)Ranks that they don't like won't be able to play any game they make,usually world games or Europe games which means that because they don't like to get slaughtered they will set it to the lowest they can that gives us the result of high ranks "banned" from games like that. Think about this for a second ![]()
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28.01.2016 - 06:27
Yes with sun's idea implanted though!
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28.01.2016 - 06:28
#savethehighranks! I think exactly the same, all noobs would simply avoid playing against higher ranks, thus limiting the rank to their own one.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
29.01.2016 - 17:05
A bit of dramatisation but ok. Besides, rank isn't a fiable indicator of noobness; only upgrades are directly correlated to rank (SP)... if player knows to prioritize them. Anyways.
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30.01.2016 - 05:30
One thing I actually agree with you on. Edit: 3 actually xD
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
30.01.2016 - 05:34
I seriously do like the idea of allowing them to stay low ranks by choice it's the best idea credit to clovis and sun tzu. Just when they hit like 75k sp give them an indicator of how the game Wil get progressively harder if you accept to move to main notification. Even if they accept and don't like it allow them to revert back to rank 4 before they hit rank 6 just to test the waters if you will.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
30.01.2016 - 08:20
do you disagree with the merging of begginers room and main room? even if we implement pulses ideas about rank-limited games by default?
30.01.2016 - 15:38
I do indeed allowing them to set rank reqs, would be the same as letting anyone play rps. Most humans are lazy and would rather play against easier opponents this would destroy us as the skill gap would get even larger. There would be even less scenarios played then even on top if that.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
30.01.2016 - 16:10
don't jump into assumptions there, free players can't change the rank-settings. only premium players can, and they rarely use them to prevent high ranks from joining. so the issue that you are afraid of is not going to manifest if we are to follow pulses idea + merging lobbies..
30.01.2016 - 16:17
It's the other part tgat amok said, which is assuming he'd make it so rank req was a none premium feature allowing them to decide who they play with shutting us out.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.02.2016 - 14:52
Change the Rank system. Make it to rank 30 instead of 20. This varies for more types of ranks to play multiple types of preset ranked games. For example. Mauzer Panteri and Brian could start at rank 25 the way they originally started at rank 15. This way our "Noobie" typed players could continue to stay Noobs until maybe rank 8 or so. This would mean to change the amount of SP needed per ranks. It's hard to place rank 7s with r9s because of the huge gap in the middle.
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08.02.2016 - 14:04
This. Implement this. Now.
08.02.2016 - 14:06
---- Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel ![]()
08.02.2016 - 15:28
How about we stop talk about lowranks like they are disabled? Just keep it like this, or and make beginner 0-3, rest main lobby? Or just 1 mainlobby and let them get attached to the highranks from the beginning, not all of us are as bad as people think we are. Ofcourse you have those who think they are more important than the rest and think they deserve something different than the others, those people are called Supporters, but thats just a small proportion. The rest of us are really nice. ![]() Maybe instead of changing this whole game for another 6 years untill the lobbies can be fixed, just allow everyone, premium or not, to put on rank limits. More easier for you guys, and alot of easier for all of us, but ofcourse pay2win is what the future is all about right? Yes, I am still one of those who is against taking away generals for nonpremiums.
08.02.2016 - 16:54
But whyyyyyyy???? What have I ever done to you!? Why waffel, why?? Is it because I didn't pour enough jam on top of you?? Is it that?? I thought we were friends! ![]()
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
11.02.2016 - 04:35
No i like rooms as they are.I was a level 5 too,as most of us in here,I joined main room,I didnt bitch about it,i realised it was time for me to get better so I could get a chance.A player gets better when it is the only choice he has.Even if begginers room goes till level 7,they would still be noob rank 7s.Also lowering the players pool would totally kill world 50k maps.And many in here you might not like them but guess what.A lot of people do and you should respect that.Its not all about 3v3s and 1v1s in europe.I also saw a totaly awfull suggestion too.Letting them set rank limits in their games even if they are not premium.Seriously now? Thats racist towards high ranks.Because i am a high rank i wont be able to join half of the games in main lobby? And to catch up with anyone in this shit community that instead of using valid arguments will start accusing me that i fight low ranks I respond that 50k arent only low ranks.Many 8s,9s and higher levels join.And having to kill(as japan) a rank 9 china then a rank 6 india then an allyfagged europe then usa who just sits there all game isnt that easy.A 50k if you win alone on max turn gives like 3.5k sp if you fight all game.Thats 4x50=200mins playtime full of anxiousness.Because you fight vs 2 or even 3 ppl at the same time and you have to do a shitload of moves in 4mins while they send op stacks all together and you must choose wisely which one you will TRY to tb.
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