23.05.2018 - 15:43
Come on, can some one explain me what the actual fuck is going on? 1.- Silverlight server's are down every other day (like right now) 2.- Admins officially removed the option to create new maps&scenarios in the editor. 3.- Html5 doesn't allow new scenarios to be made, so you are limited to making maps which frankly is the least wanted reason for the map editor, people just make custom maps so they can make a custom scenario out of it. 4.- Updating any custom map in silverlight will break it in html5, no exceptions. 5.- nearly all of my silverlight maps are bugged and have error's loading data/paths and other stuff, i can't even edit them anymore cuz they are that bugged. Clovis should either release the scenario editor as buggy as it or they should give us back the option to make new maps in silverlight, there is no reason to discontinue such feature when html5 doesn't have a scenario editor.
23.05.2018 - 16:07
PM that to clovis thank you. Locked. Edit: Unlocked for a response.
---- ![]()
24.05.2018 - 07:00
I highly appreciate the feedback & the worries about the map editor, guys.
We've done quite a progress and the Scenario Editor should be coming soon. I agree we haven't made a release in a while though, I'll see what I can do. My biggest issue at the moment is the annoying loading paths error that has been giving so much troubles to MapMakers.
At this point I highly doubt that we'll ever get to fix those issues, I'm afraid. You guys shouldn't be able to edit your old maps using the new HTML5 editor? Let me know if that's not the case.
I believe we've locked map creation from there to encourage the players to use the new Map Editor.
I don't think it will be a good idea. Right now creating an scenario works, but we've some problems when it comes to start a new game based on that scenario. We would like to provide something that works before going into the live server. Again, we should be able to release it in the test server though.
24.05.2018 - 10:48
24.05.2018 - 12:34
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
24.05.2018 - 15:36
Lol- ive been away for about 18 months- when i last played the editor was great- but ive discovered/assume that html5 editor does not work- the original editor is full of problems and non functioning- ive asked for advice from a few m8s but it leads me back to a padded room- its been suggested that i use a different browser or empty my cookies etc- but really? seriously? the patient is bleeding from the head, all its limbs are twisted and theres a strange green stuff oozing from its orifices- ive been intending to set aside half a day and apply myself to this puzzle- but it looks as tho it is terminal and not worth the bother- the amount of bugs and bad news the editor delivers is massive- it is a shame and very disappointing- but i do notice that some players are having success and presenting some great and impressive maps- im happy to contribute more money or be part of the solution [im sure more users would be happy to contribute if thats what it needs]- Is there an actual comprehensive "How to" Map Editor Instruction Manual? What is the actual Browser etc or Operating System that players are having success with on the Editor? Or is it worth further attempts at using the Editor? If not, when is the Editor expected to be usable? Why dont girls like me watching them have baths from my window?
25.05.2018 - 01:05
I know there is work put in to fixing the editor, but allot of SL maps are bugged due to what I assume would be HTML conversion as a map made in SL but viewed in HTML, no longer makes it SL and bugs it to the forever loading screen (might also be why that error paths nonsense exists as well), which I am quite sure many mapmakers suffered. There is also a constant resize bug to where when uploading a new background, zooming in becomes cancerous as it resizes during the zoom. making 9999 x 5300 not able to be made. Honestly, idk why there is an obsession with the new editor, it is faulty, fulls of bugs and troll conversion code. Honestly please for the love of god, open the SL editor again. some maps can't even be updated out of fear of HTML bugging the map, being that 99.99% of the maps are SL. Just open it up again so we can make new maps, since the HTML one is still *vomits*. Along with being full of errors and deficiencies. No one games on SL anymore or goes on it except map makers, there shouldn't be an obsession with HTML editor since everyone plays on HTML. That should be enough. Let the stable SL be the map maker's domain once more. (though tbh with any new code edits that hope might as well have been trolled too) Until HTML editor is actually perfected and usable, map makers shouldn't be restricted to using a buggy and incomplete editor on HTML. That's just madness. Bring back SL editing. Forcing the otherwise seems to just be a ego thing to use a broken product or might be community trolling, either way, it's making map making harder than it should be.
25.05.2018 - 02:13
I know there is work put in to fixing the editor, but allot of SL maps are bugged due to what I assume would be HTML conversion as a map made in SL but viewed in HTML, no longer makes it SL and bugs it to the forever loading screen (might also be why that error paths nonsense exists as well), which I am quite sure many mapmakers suffered. There is also a constant resize bug to where when uploading a new background, zooming in becomes cancerous as it resizes during the zoom. making 9999 x 5300 not able to be made. Honestly, idk why there is an obsession with the new editor, it is faulty, fulls of bugs and troll conversion code. Honestly please for the love of god, open the SL editor again. some maps can't even be updated out of fear of HTML bugging the map, being that 99.99% of the maps are SL. Just open it up again so we can make new maps, since the HTML one is still *vomits*. Along with being full of errors and deficiencies. No one games on SL anymore or goes on it except map makers, there shouldn't be an obsession with HTML editor since everyone plays on HTML. That should be enough. Let the stable SL be the map maker's domain once more. (though tbh with any new code edits that hope might as well have been trolled too) Until HTML editor is actually perfected and usable, map makers shouldn't be restricted to using a buggy and incomplete editor on HTML. That's just madness. Bring back SL editing. Forcing the otherwise seems to just be a ego thing to use a broken product or might be community trolling, either way, it's making map making harder than it should be.
25.05.2018 - 02:13
bro u stole my post
25.05.2018 - 09:21
Well, there is not map Editor SL disconnected , even when it is connected you cant create new map New Editor is a total troll editor xD No hope
25.05.2018 - 10:03
Stop whining about shit, its still in beta and there are bugs and shit. Tunder, you barely play mate. Have some respect.
25.05.2018 - 12:01
Well u right about the new map editor , its still beta. But why they had dc the old one? Tunder is right about that , he pay for that feature and he cant use it . Just bring back the old one and close it only when the new one is totally fixed.
25.05.2018 - 15:33
Don't worry clovis, we are still best friendemies <3
Could you restore a map to a version in which it wasn't affected by the path's error bug?
-We can't use Silverlight to edit maps made in Html5 -We can't use Html5 to edit maps made in Silverlight
Could you not hypothetically transfer a map from the beta server to the main server? is code after all.
25.05.2018 - 21:23
Still waiting for my map to not be broken. I really rather not brute force and remake my map from the beginning.
26.05.2018 - 00:04
I do not know much about programming, I'm worried about other things in my life (I'm 32 years old), like teaching History and Social Sciences or taking care of my young children. Since I was a kid and in my free time as a distraction therapy, I liked maps. In this play I made 5 maps and it was fun, but now this game without a map editor, no longer worth anything. This is really very disappointing. Make a new tutorial to use HTML5.
26.05.2018 - 01:50
It would be good to reup the map "World Mapby Ivan & Amok" for HTML5. That map is the basis of many of the maps that we can edit later. I think that task is urgent.
26.05.2018 - 02:15
Honestly the HTML5 map editor and silverlight editor should have been kept completely seperate from the live version of the website until it was 115% ready including bug testing....
26.05.2018 - 05:55
says rank 3 none premium
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
28.05.2018 - 06:19
Agreed bring back SL till new editor works
28.05.2018 - 20:16
It would be good to reup the map "World Mapby Ivan & Amok" for HTML5. That map is the basis of many of the maps that we can edit later. I think that task is urgent.
29.05.2018 - 04:18
I cant create new maps or edit either in HTML5
---- Defensive Expert
29.05.2018 - 19:50
We've tried to make a release some days ago, but found the dread language issue which many other players experienced. We've rolled back the changes for now. That bug and the color glitch bug are the only two issues stopping us from releasing the scenario editor. As for the error loading path & borders issue, hang on. Your maps aren't lost forever. I just need some time before I can hunt down that issue. Your old maps are still there as well. Right now my advice would be to try to clone your maps regularly as some sort of "backup" system until we manage to fix the most critical issues. I'm genuinely sorry for delivering a map editor with such an issue. You guys may understand though, this is better than nothing...
29.05.2018 - 20:50
We can't clone tho, cuz we are not allowed to make new maps.
29.05.2018 - 21:57
It is nothing though, most players can't create new maps at all in the new editor such as myself. Is there going to be a fix for that? I see this issue is being ignored
---- Defensive Expert
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