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Küldte Alois, 26.09.2018 - 05:13


In This Edition...

The Cartographer [First Section]

Creed: A New Cartography Clan [Second Section]

Map Review: Sino-Japanese War by Witch-Doctor [Third Section]

Map Editor: Bug Fixing [Fourth Section]

Cartography Team: Ask Us A Question! [Fifth Section]

The Cartographer

This newsletter, The Cartographer, composed by a team of Cartographers and Community Figures through-out AtWar, new and old, that have come together to bring you a newsletter aimed at bringing guides on the Map-Editor/AtWar altogether, legitimate debates in AW, healthy drama in AtWar, reviews, interviews, and more. We do not aim to be biased nor do we aim to start flamewars. We hope to bring new releases bi-weekly and if not, whenever we can! There is a lot to report on in the Cartography community. We'd like to also thank the Imperial Academy's contribution.


Creed: A New Cartography Clan

Creed, a new cartography clan on AtWar aims for new heights.

In an interview with the clan's founder, Vertiven, we found out that Creed focuses more on the creativity of its members - with pride in originality. Giving each member that creates a map to have their map placed in the spotlight. From start to finish they guide their members in the right direction, giving them all a chance to not only become a popular cartographer in AtWar, but to enjoy the game and expand its maps and in the end bringing new content to the community.

Creed consists (and will consist) of fellow people who also make maps of their own, learning and achieving their highest standard possible. Its founder has also collaborated with other clans such as Aloysian Guard and certain people in Valkyria to help out with making, teaching, testing out, and playing maps. We also had looked into what kind of maps they are already making, however we are unable to publicly disclose this as they didn't want to spoil it or give away ideas to someone who could make the map faster and copy it.

Creed is still looking for more cartographers in the clan and is currently in the middle of creating a guide for cartography to use in the clan, to teach their members who wish to create maps. So if you want to learn how to make maps, we highly suggest you go there!

Sino-Japanese War by Witch-Doctor

The Cartographer Editor Team wanted to give the community insight about a new map that has been released. So, we interviewed Witch-Doctor himself.

What made you want to make this map? Which editor did you use and how long did it take you to complete it?

Wanted to show that competitive players can make quality maps and scenarios. I initially used html5 editor to make my map. I actually finished the map itself and added all the cities. This took about 2 months of work. Then, I wanted to delete the USSR and redraw it. I ended up permanently breaking my map while trying to delete Russia. I waited about 3 weeks for Clovis to fix it and I was also super burned it about it too. I got tired of waiting and decided to completely redo it in Silverlight. It took a months of hard painstaking work to recreate the map in Silverlight. Most of it was because I wanted to up the quality on everything.

Did you research before you made the map? Are your borders accurate?

I had to do quite a bit of research when planning for the scenario. My goal was to have a long scale scenario involving 7 players and I took inspiration from how other scenarios like ostfront and ror balanced it. The borders are as accurate as I can make them with resources available. I had to make some ahistorical merging of territories for the sake of the 7 player limit.

Do you think your map has convinced other cartographers and future cartographers to make more maps for AW, despite editor being in a bad condition?

I know I've inspired some people with my implementation of a "research tree". The editor is an awful place right now, the admins are insisting we cannot make new Silverlight maps so brand new map makers are being screwed. I didn't see the html5 editor being viable for a long time.

and to end the interview, we asked for a guide on the map, which can be found here. The map is also based on the Second Sino-Japanese war from 1937-1945.

Map Editor: Bug Fixing

No Cartographer can make a map on the game without a good working map editor. And so far, it has been somewhat of a struggle to get to where we need to be on it's progress.

The Editors of The Cartographer debated deeply if we should begin the start of our guides for map editing yet, and they all came to the conclusion that certain stuff needed to be addressed first.

The editor has had troubles finding its bugs and fixing them due to not enough people going to the test server and testing out the editor. Without this testing, Admins will have to do it themselves, which can be hours of work.

Therefore, The Cartographer is recommending every player to go to the test server and begin testing maps, making maps, making units, etc. Get enough of it in to help out the admins and discover the source of the problems, so it will take not only less time to code it but less time to release the editor. If you find any bugs, they should be reported here.

Our series of guides will begin with our next release of The Cartographer.

Cartography Team: Ask Us A Question!

The Cartographer wants to ensure AtWar stays stable in map creation, diversity, creativity, and efficiency. Therefore, we have assembled a team of experienced Cartographers on AW that have created their own programs to teach players wanting to join the current generation of Cartographers. The Cartographer also wants to keep including guest writers, who are people in the community who have their work featured on the newsletter.

We wanted to first give the public a chance to ask any question relating to the map editor(s) and will be handing out emails set up for AW usage so the questions and answers can be private.

The list of Cartographers who will answer your questions are:

Professor Adus, Lecturer of Strategic Cartography and Statistical Analysis

Professor Panda, Lecturer of Strategic Cartography

Professor WaiserReich, Lecturer of Innovative Sciences

All articles and sections of this newsletter are done by The Cartographer's Editor Team. Which are kept anonymous.

Questions? Comments? Email us at cartographer.aw@gmail.com
28.09.2018 - 18:14
Awesome thread! Looking forward to see more about it.
28.09.2018 - 19:01
 Witch-Doctor (Mód)
Általa írva j-e-s-u-s, 26.09.2018 at 17:03

ok so first:
creed was founded 3 weeks ago yet it has 2 members only and you claim it to be "Creed consists (and will consist) of fellow people who also make maps of their own,"
looks like a commercial or something (altho if it helps the community i guess its fine, but this means you should be fair and also show clans as optimates, the cabal, the entente, and the empire which all have much more known and experienced map makers).
the sino-japan war map is old news but since no one had a well made interview with wd, this is quiet a smart thing to do, he is also a new map maker.
and the "Map Editor: Bug Fixing" well its a good note and criticizing the admins in a good way, but tbh this isnt the way to solve the bugs, ill give you my opinion on how to fix them, have a team of small, trained, good map makers, that will make maps and toghter fill a report for clovis, otherwise he will be spammed with 1000 messages of same bug, on the other hand you could have adviced them to check the bug reporting forum altho is mentioned inside the editor itself.
last and most important thing,
Professor Adus, Lecturer of Strategic Cartography and Statistical Analysis

Professor Panda, Lecturer of Strategic Cartography

Professor WaiserReich, Lecturer of Innovative Sciences

this is totally not needed but k

also please, dont make so much drama in the comments, this idea is quite good if it can keep drama out, if you rather you can look on this like "atwar press" of map making or something

Stop using that terrible font. FTFY
29.09.2018 - 18:31
Hello,Im the founder of Creed .I appreciate your observation. How ever we want everything as organized as possible. We strive for it in fact, reaching out with several players that will soon be together in a clan discord. We feel it would be an easier starting pace if everyone joins at the same time. This would allow everyone to start fresh and get feedback at the same time rather joining days/ week apart from each other. Your statement "also show clans as optimates, the cabal, the entente, and the empire which all have much more known and experienced map makers" is correct but we are trying to make new map makers. Yes there are many experienced map makers but everyone has to begin somewhere, and there can always be more creative people. Just because there arent currently members on stage doesnt mean there isnt a show. If you would like to brush up on your facts in regards to Creed Id be happy to provide you my discord. PM me
Fucking Vertiven
21.10.2018 - 02:54
Anyone wondering where the second release is by now, we're waiting for some information. We've moved our release to the end of this upcoming week.
28.10.2018 - 08:51
Creed has 1 member now lol
28.10.2018 - 22:11
Általa írva Ben Pimpin, 28.10.2018 at 08:51

Creed has 1 member now lol

AW been crappy lately in activity, and people haven't answered back. kinda stuck where they are at atm..
28.10.2018 - 22:17
Általa írva Alois, 28.10.2018 at 22:11

Általa írva Ben Pimpin, 28.10.2018 at 08:51

Creed has 1 member now lol

AW been crappy lately in activity, and people haven't answered back. kinda stuck where they are at atm..

Hillarious tho
28.10.2018 - 22:19
Általa írva Ben Pimpin, 28.10.2018 at 22:17

Általa írva Alois, 28.10.2018 at 22:11

Általa írva Ben Pimpin, 28.10.2018 at 08:51

Creed has 1 member now lol

AW been crappy lately in activity, and people haven't answered back. kinda stuck where they are at atm..

Hillarious tho

I guess
28.10.2018 - 22:20
Also with my previous update, we now hope to release VERY SOON. We are waiting on a few people.
28.10.2018 - 22:21
Általa írva Alois, 28.10.2018 at 22:20

Also with my previous update, we now hope to release VERY SOON. We are waiting on a few people.

Feature my new map u dirty rp bitcg
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