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Posztolt üzenetek: 5   Meglátogatva: 26 users
18.04.2014 - 23:24
Hello all AW players, idk if this happens with you but when i play AW during the game , my laptop freezes. It doesnt respond to any command which makes me restart it and lose all my moves. It also happens during CW. This freeze thing happens only when i play AW. Can anyone help me fix this please? I tried to do everything, clean the laptop with CCleaner, clean silverlight cache. Pls help its messing up my duels and CW - See more at: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=13287#sthash.6pgzPFHO.dpuf

19.04.2014 - 10:17
Felhasználó törölve
Use fire, it may help.
I don't know where to start with the questions, but, did you try installing AW already?
30.04.2014 - 21:08
Delete system32 it will work it worked for me
28.05.2014 - 06:46
Yea delete system32 and your computer will crash.Alex is genies
28.05.2014 - 07:08
If it's a computer freeze, there's not a lot of possibilities.

1. Ram overcharged (can be solved if you install the game) - I don't think that's the problem, but could happen.
2. CPU Overheat - If your laptop is hot when you're playing, it means your CPU is far hotter. Normally the laptop shutdown automatically, but sometimes it just freeze like hell. Ask to an informatic friend for CPU putty or go where you bought the laptop. (That's easy to add putty yourself, but you have to do it clean)
3. Graphic crash - i don't know how with AW, but this could also happen... With a laptop, the only solution is to buy a new one.

So, to really help you, can you give the technical comp ? RAM, graph, CPU, laptop model.

If you manage to play other game without any problem, tell me which ?
If you already installed AW on your computer : uninstal it. CClean the laptop in program and registry key. Reinstal it.
Keep an eye on your drivers too.

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