Légy prémium hirdetések elrejtéséhez
Posztolt üzenetek: 3   Meglátogatva: 121 users
20.02.2015 - 16:43
This LoN(League of Nations) scenario has various improvements to its UN predecessors. For example this scenario represents the realistic concept of LoN/UN funding with the addition of the "Funding Control Box" in which major nations can reduce the LoN/UN's income by attacking the income city positioned there. However these cities cannot be taken by any of the nations, eliminating any nation's ability to absorb the LoN/UN's income. This LoN/UN also surpases the senarios that have come before it because it doesn't rely on fictitious alliances of nations, but rather each nation is represented as a single nation/collection of colonial nations (with the exception of the administrator).

Standard UN rules apply, including:
-No wars before turn 4
-All wars must be justified with a legitimate reason in chat (legitimacy is determined by the Administrator)
-Wars must be declared with at least 1 minute left in the turn
-Do not enter other nation's land or airspace without permission from that nation
-Any nation that breaks one of these rules will be declared as rogue. In which case other nations may declare war on the rogue nation. The Administrator will also be required to declare war on the rogue nation.
22.02.2015 - 15:20
Its a great map.
22.02.2015 - 22:06
Good fun and nice to have admin to keep rules

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