Légy prémium hirdetések elrejtéséhez
Posztolt üzenetek: 5   Meglátogatva: 30 users
19.03.2015 - 06:08
How a rank 7 player play in beginners room? i thought when u each rank 5 u move to main room and cant go back to beginners room??

19.03.2015 - 06:31
Idk answer on your question, maybe some bug, i really dont know because there is limitation to rank 5 for playing games in begginer rooms.
But I can clearly say his skill belongs there since he is being this cocky in begginer room, facing only lower ranks and using those words to players who just started to play and learn about game and community.

I will get you a moderator too see what really happened. If he offended on you or something like this, he should be punished. Just dont forget always to take screenshots for prooving what happened.

19.03.2015 - 07:02
U can join games in begginers room its a glitch
19.03.2015 - 08:26
Report this rank 7, he is doing this by getting URL from a lower rank, either creating alt or otherwise.
19.03.2015 - 08:30
Általa írva Creepy2324_deleted, 19.03.2015 at 06:08

How a rank 7 player play in beginners room? i thought when u each rank 5 u move to main room and cant go back to beginners room??

Sun Tzu: There is a glitch in the game mechanics that allows any player to access the beginners room, by obtaining the game link, this can be used for positive purposes, like helping new players, but on the whole is not encouraged. The example shown above is obviously not the case. In future, if you see a player farming new players for easy SP in the beginners room, you can type /report in the message box with any evidence you have and it will log with the moderators who will hopefully hang the player nice and high, or even just warn the player not to do it again and kick the said player from the beginners lobby. I would suggest any abusive player's are promptly ignored and banned from your game's. Self-moderation normally is suffice when dealing with troll like players.

Edit: 19/01/2015 14:03 - A list of online mods can also be found here

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