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18.10.2015 - 18:56

This scenario is about the War of the First Coalition and part of the French Revolutionary Wars
18.10.2015 - 19:43
K we already have one of these tell me when your done making it
i think i might be hairbags - zizou
18.10.2015 - 20:45
May I politely ask, who is we?
18.10.2015 - 21:12
Általa írva Imperial Crown, 18.10.2015 at 20:45

May I politely ask, who is we?

He is referring to us as a community, there is already a map for French Revolution (I have played it once).
(IMO) : it was alright, but it didn't include Russia. If your will include Russia (so its different), than I think people may play your over the current one.
Be Humble
18.10.2015 - 21:16
Well, the main reason I am making this one is because I have never seen on in main or beginner of what you are describing to me.
21.10.2015 - 15:18
Általa írva Darkmace, 18.10.2015 at 21:12

Általa írva Imperial Crown, 18.10.2015 at 20:45

May I politely ask, who is we?

He is referring to us as a community, there is already a map for French Revolution (I have played it once).
(IMO) : it was alright, but it didn't include Russia. If your will include Russia (be more factually accurate), than I think people may play your over the current one.

How can one include Russia in a war that it didn't fight?
Someone Better Than You
21.10.2015 - 21:37
Általa írva Darkmace, 21.10.2015 at 18:57

Általa írva Zephyrusu, 21.10.2015 at 15:18

Általa írva Darkmace, 18.10.2015 at 21:12

Általa írva Imperial Crown, 18.10.2015 at 20:45

You do not know your history my friend, talk to me when you do.
Also, if you know your history you would know Napoleon raised to power twice, but was stopped quickly by Germany before he got a chance to rage another war.

>says zeph doesn't know his history
>thinks Germany existed during the time of Napoleon
22.10.2015 - 04:36
Általa írva Darkmace, 21.10.2015 at 18:57

Általa írva Zephyrusu, 21.10.2015 at 15:18

Általa írva Darkmace, 18.10.2015 at 21:12

Általa írva Imperial Crown, 18.10.2015 at 20:45

May I politely ask, who is we?

He is referring to us as a community, there is already a map for French Revolution (I have played it once).
(IMO) : it was alright, but it didn't include Russia. If your will include Russia (be more factually accurate), than I think people may play your over the current one.

How can one include Russia in a war that it didn't fight?

You do not know your history my friend, talk to me when you do.
Hint : Who do you think stopped Napoleon from expanding further into Europe?

Also, if you know your history you would know Napoleon raised to power twice, but was stopped quickly by Germany before he got a chance to rage another war.

If i remember correctly i think russia stopped napoleon even when he reached a bit out of moscow and also he attacked saint pet. But he failed and then he was pushed back.
22.10.2015 - 06:34
Általa írva Darkmace, 18.10.2015 at 21:12

He is referring to us as a community, there is already a map for French Revolution (I have played it once).
(IMO) : it was alright, but it didn't include Russia. If your will include Russia (be more factually accurate), than I think people may play your over the current one.

darkmace i remember playing a napoleon match with you it was based on the first coalition where russia didn't participate
22.10.2015 - 09:21
Általa írva Darkmace, 21.10.2015 at 18:57

Általa írva Zephyrusu, 21.10.2015 at 15:18

Általa írva Darkmace, 18.10.2015 at 21:12

Általa írva Imperial Crown, 18.10.2015 at 20:45

May I politely ask, who is we?

He is referring to us as a community, there is already a map for French Revolution (I have played it once).
(IMO) : it was alright, but it didn't include Russia. If your will include Russia (be more factually accurate), than I think people may play your over the current one.

How can one include Russia in a war that it didn't fight?

You do not know your history my friend, talk to me when you do.
Hint : Who do you think stopped Napoleon from expanding further into Europe?

Also, if you know your history you would know Napoleon raised to power twice, but was stopped quickly by Germany before he got a chance to rage another war.

The post says "This scenario is about the War of the First Coalition and part of the Revolutionary Wars". First Coalition. So before you tell me to learn history, first learn how to read. And he wasn't stopped in Germany the second time he was stopped in Belgium which was Dutch at the time.
Someone Better Than You
22.10.2015 - 14:41
Általa írva Darkmace, 22.10.2015 at 14:11

Általa írva Zephyrusu, 22.10.2015 at 09:21

The post says "This scenario is about the War of the First Coalition and part of the Revolutionary Wars". First Coalition. So before you tell me to learn history, first learn how to read. And he wasn't stopped in Germany the second time he was stopped in Belgium which was Dutch at the time.

Hehe, its funny you think he was stopped the second time in Germany (or Belgium) cant figure out by your statement. He was stopped the first time by Russia, and the second was by Germany (Prussia) IN Paris, France.

If I don't know what I was talking about, I wouldn't have posted.

There were 8 wars. France won 5 of them and lost 3. This map is about the first of those 8 wars. He was stopped outside Moscow in the Sixth one, and he abdicated the first time in the Seventh one. His last battle in the Seventh war was against Russia, which he won, but then abdicated anyway. There was 1 more battle in the Seventh war after Napoleon abdicated, in which the French lost to a combined Russian-Prussian-Austrian army. He returned to France in the eigth war, where he was beaten by an Anglo-Prusso-Dutch army in Belgium, of which Prussians made up roughly 50% but the others did most of the fighting. The last battle of the Eighth War was a skimrish in a village near Paris between the Prussians and French but that small battle was by no means the reason Napoleon lost.
Someone Better Than You
22.10.2015 - 14:51
Általa írva Zephyrusu, 22.10.2015 at 14:41

Általa írva Darkmace, 22.10.2015 at 14:11

Általa írva Zephyrusu, 22.10.2015 at 09:21

The post says "This scenario is about the War of the First Coalition and part of the Revolutionary Wars". First Coalition. So before you tell me to learn history, first learn how to read. And he wasn't stopped in Germany the second time he was stopped in Belgium which was Dutch at the time.

Hehe, its funny you think he was stopped the second time in Germany (or Belgium) cant figure out by your statement. He was stopped the first time by Russia, and the second was by Germany (Prussia) IN Paris, France.

If I don't know what I was talking about, I wouldn't have posted.

There were 8 wars. France won 5 of them and lost 3. This map is about the first of those 8 wars. He was stopped outside Moscow in the Sixth one, and he abdicated the first time in the Seventh one. His last battle in the Seventh war was against Russia, which he won, but then abdicated anyway. There was 1 more battle in the Seventh war after Napoleon abdicated, in which the French lost to a combined Russian-Prussian-Austrian army. He returned to France in the eigth war, where he was beaten by an Anglo-Prusso-Dutch army in Belgium, of which Prussians made up roughly 50% but the others did most of the fighting. The last battle of the Eighth War was a skimrish in a village near Paris between the Prussians and French but that small battle was by no means the reason Napoleon lost.

I don't want to get into every battle/war (we would be here for days). I know this map is about the first coalition war, but to make it interesting/ different than the current one I suggested to add Russia, I will admit to the fact I wrote, "more factually accurate", I shouldn't have wrote that part.

As said above, we can argue all day about how the French Revolution went down, but I wont since there is actually no "correct" history, since its always altered slightly as more sources summarize the same primary information.
Be Humble
13.06.2016 - 13:01
Good luck beating the other Napoleon map at this time in history

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