Légy prémium hirdetések elrejtéséhez
Posztolt üzenetek: 2   Meglátogatva: 35 users
09.10.2016 - 18:27
Why is it that the At War community only plays maps with little variety. Most of the maps i see that are popular are the standard base maps and RP maps. Is this due to the fact that there is a core group of players with premium, that only want to play RP?
09.10.2016 - 21:24
Általa írva BERNIE2020, 09.10.2016 at 18:27

Why is it that the At War community only plays maps with little variety. Most of the maps i see that are popular are the standard base maps and RP maps. Is this due to the fact that there is a core group of players with premium, that only want to play RP?

Yes and with many, many people leaving this game, alot of those people being scenario players

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