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Küldte Permamuted, 14.04.2017 - 21:11
Hey everyone.

I intend to go inactive again come the end of the season. This will effectively mean the end of illy once again as myself khal or acqui leaving usually signals the death of the clan.

Lets not kid ourselves guys. The competitive community is dying a slow death. The current cw activity levels are only an illusion as the same problems still exist from a year ago and hardly any new clans/players are joining the competitive scene. It is purely being kept alive by oldfags. The duel scene is totally fucked with the top 10 being dominated by farmers nobody has heard of. This is only going to get worse without any intervention by amok/ivan with game developements.

So what i am trying to say is get your shit together and cw while you have the chance because this wont last. I've been on a lot the past few days and have only wanted to cw but cant because all the active players are scattered throughout semi inactive clans for some reason. They play stupid standard 3v3s all day and struggle to get 3 online at the same time so we get no cws. I am pointing at you hybrid warfare, you stalins, you enigma. Mk, shadow aces, epic clan and immortals too. Pool your active members and lets enjoy some games while we can. Its boring af at the moment.

And yes universali you triggered me into this rant.
19.04.2017 - 17:41
I want to join
19.04.2017 - 17:41
This clan
20.04.2017 - 07:27
xD Loachra dreaming about utopia.
A certain darkness is needed to see the stars..

20.04.2017 - 11:48
Általa írva Cheesus_Crust, 20.04.2017 at 07:27

xD Loachra dreaming about utopia.

hardly, atwar utopia would be active admins, floods of new players and new talent coming to the competitive scene to play against. New gameplay being innovated and developed, good mapmakers producing new competitive maps.

No this is just getting some cws from the few remaining active players before it all dies.
20.04.2017 - 12:13
Általa írva 4nic, 19.04.2017 at 10:54

Általa írva Checkmate., 19.04.2017 at 10:51

Általa írva Your Laki, 19.04.2017 at 07:33

I blame Pauzer Manteri, he dont let me play

Is there any problem that isnt solved by blaming mauzer panteri? i doubt it.

While mauz always blames death..

and death blames himself...
26.04.2017 - 04:15
Általa írva Permamuted, 20.04.2017 at 11:48

Általa írva Cheesus_Crust, 20.04.2017 at 07:27

xD Loachra dreaming about utopia.

hardly, atwar utopia would be active admins, floods of new players and new talent coming to the competitive scene to play against. New gameplay being innovated and developed, good mapmakers producing new competitive maps.

No this is just getting some cws from the few remaining active players before it all dies.

You're a nice guy so i'll spare Ireland in polish campaigning of conquering Great Britain.

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