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Old school tb-s or the new one ?!

Old school
New style

Össz szavazatok: 56
25.04.2012 - 05:59
Let's see the number of players which support each of these tb-s ..Post opinions as well...
"There is a hero in all of us"

25.04.2012 - 06:08
Old school is best
25.04.2012 - 06:17
It's worth considering that not many new players go on forums and this is a change that will benefit those who did not understand blocking, this poll will be incredibly one sided.
Általa írva Amok, 29.04.2012 at 08:36

Gardevoir, your obnoxiousness really baffles me sometimes...just leave for good already or stop whining.
25.04.2012 - 06:17
Old school definitely
but new isnt that bad either i guess
25.04.2012 - 06:23
Általa írva Barrymore, 25.04.2012 at 06:17

It's worth considering that not many new players go on forums and this is a change that will benefit those who did not understand blocking, this poll will be incredibly one sided.

this update is made for casual players,to remove competitive spirit..if you like this im happy for you bro
"There is a hero in all of us"

25.04.2012 - 06:24
I voted Old School as well, I was just saying don't expect this poll to be fair.
Általa írva Amok, 29.04.2012 at 08:36

Gardevoir, your obnoxiousness really baffles me sometimes...just leave for good already or stop whining.
25.04.2012 - 06:27
Its fine im posting this to low rank players as well through my clan members
"There is a hero in all of us"

25.04.2012 - 06:34
I voted for old school, and i would call myself a new player ;-)
25.04.2012 - 07:23
Same old story. A lots of complains from players who didn't even try to use the new system, but have judged it already. When i changed a rule in the tournament, everyone was complaining. 1week later, everyone agreed.

Just give it 2weeks, and start the same poll, everyone is used to it then.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
25.04.2012 - 08:12
Általa írva Hugosch, 25.04.2012 at 07:23

Same old story. A lots of complains from players who didn't even try to use the new system, but have judged it already. When i changed a rule in the tournament, everyone was complaining. 1week later, everyone agreed.

Just give it 2weeks, and start the same poll, everyone is used to it then.

Oh we'll probably all agree in the end, because we will adapt and obviously find cool new tricks. But we do see right now, without getting used to this concept, that this will just be spamming and numbers. Just spam a stack of unstoppable bombers and you win. Oh such skill it takes to do this! (I had just done this in a world game, complete faceroll. )

I'm pretty OP with this update, but I still disagree with it.
25.04.2012 - 08:46
Old school winning 15 to 3
25.04.2012 - 08:58
Just tried in a world game, felt really weird and safe to spam bombers.

Please give back our old TB and flowering.
Általa írva Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
25.04.2012 - 10:54
Általa írva Barrymore, 25.04.2012 at 06:17

It's worth considering that not many new players go on forums and this is a change that will benefit those who did not understand blocking, this poll will be incredibly one sided.
25.04.2012 - 11:34
Általa írva deviL, 25.04.2012 at 06:23

Általa írva Barrymore, 25.04.2012 at 06:17

It's worth considering that not many new players go on forums and this is a change that will benefit those who did not understand blocking, this poll will be incredibly one sided.

this update is made for casual players,to remove competitive spirit..if you like this im happy for you bro

wrong this update was added to create realism, amok said it himself, it was for realism, nothing about a simpler gameplay, or helping new players, he actually denied the helping new players when i asked him.

also, i am global chatting every so often to make people aware of this thread and the other thread too
25.04.2012 - 12:49
Általa írva Barrymore, 25.04.2012 at 06:17

It's worth considering that not many new players go on forums and this is a change that will benefit those who did not understand blocking, this poll will be incredibly one sided.

Definitely agree.
25.04.2012 - 13:09
Im posting this everywhere through my clan members but you are right..the admins should make some kind of poll ,when players enter the game vote
"There is a hero in all of us"

25.04.2012 - 14:07
With new updates games will be balanced
rank 3 now have chance to beat tophats
time of traps with tb is past hehehehehehhe
you also can block now but for 100units to block him you need 51units good luck everyone
25.04.2012 - 16:28
New one, because turn-based strategy games are meant to be played always thinking about the future movements and troops manegement, not on exploiting the game-system mechanics that weren't even meant to exist. This is not an arcade game.
Általa írva Barrymore, 25.04.2012 at 06:17

It's worth considering that not many new players go on forums and this is a change that will benefit those who did not understand blocking, this poll will be incredibly one sided.

Általa írva Hugosch, 25.04.2012 at 07:23

Same old story. A lots of complains from players who didn't even try to use the new system, but have judged it already. When i changed a rule in the tournament, everyone was complaining. 1week later, everyone agreed.

Just give it 2weeks, and start the same poll, everyone is used to it then.

And this.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
25.04.2012 - 19:10
Általa írva Barrymore, 25.04.2012 at 06:17

It's worth considering that not many new players go on forums and this is a change that will benefit those who did not understand blocking, this poll will be incredibly one sided.

Yeah it is incredibly bias. It only shows the players who care enough about the game to go to the forums. It only shows the players who have played enough AW to know there is a forum. It only shows the most dedicated and loyal members. It only shows a 4:1 margin.

Általa írva Hugosch, 25.04.2012 at 07:23

Same old story. A lots of complains from players who didn't even try to use the new system, but have judged it already. When i changed a rule in the tournament, everyone was complaining. 1week later, everyone agreed.

This is completely different then changing a setting for a tournament. This is fundamentally altering the mechanics of the game. You can choose to participate in a tournament or not. With the new update, we had no choice. Hell, we didn't even have a say.

A long-awaited update for the turn-blocking mechanics:

Long awaited by who? I rarely ever saw anyone complaining about TBs and when I did it was from inexperienced players who didn't understand the concept. All you needed to do to fix this was to add a TB tutorial add on to the main tutorial.

Just give it 2weeks, and start the same poll, everyone is used to it then.

The main concern felt by players about the game was a lack of competitiveness, not this. Turn blocking gives the game the majority of its strategy because it forces players to take it into account. The only skill that remains now is routine expansion. Giving this dumbed-down version of AW two weeks will be more detrimental to the community then you realize sadly.
25.04.2012 - 19:19
I completely and utterly, with a passion, with the determination of a thousand gods, with 100%, heart, nerve and sinew, agree with Nateballer.
Általa írva Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
25.04.2012 - 20:00
Old school rulezzzzz!!!!!!
26.04.2012 - 13:24
Well, sorry to be so pedantic there were actually two old school engagement mechanisms. The beta-style mechanism was not designed around preventing turnblocking, so turnblocking quickly made the game practically unplayable as no units would ever move. If you had enough units, you could literally turnblock your enemy's capital (and all their troops) for turns on end while you're advancing steadily with a large invasion force!
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
26.04.2012 - 18:21
Általa írva YOBA, 26.04.2012 at 13:24

Well, sorry to be so pedantic there were actually two old school engagement mechanisms. The beta-style mechanism was not designed around preventing turnblocking, so turnblocking quickly made the game practically unplayable as no units would ever move. If you had enough units, you could literally turnblock your enemy's capital (and all their troops) for turns on end while you're advancing steadily with a large invasion force!

Those were the days...I hope to forget.
26.04.2012 - 19:11
Általa írva Garde, 26.04.2012 at 18:21

Általa írva YOBA, 26.04.2012 at 13:24

Well, sorry to be so pedantic there were actually two old school engagement mechanisms. The beta-style mechanism was not designed around preventing turnblocking, so turnblocking quickly made the game practically unplayable as no units would ever move. If you had enough units, you could literally turnblock your enemy's capital (and all their troops) for turns on end while you're advancing steadily with a large invasion force!

Those were the days...I hope to forget.

Kanker Elysium really made it popular. Anyway, most people here can't remember just how bad turnblocking was at its most extreme. That's why I think we need to strike a fine balance between having very few engagements and what's ultimately a boring game and mass turnblocking that also weakens the strategy dimension of the game if it is allowed to be overused.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
26.04.2012 - 21:43
Általa írva YOBA, 26.04.2012 at 19:11

mass turnblocking

I have a solution for this.... Adapt. I did, and now I mostly use GW and MoS because of the main units being stealth. also if SM I suggest fancy moves and multi complicated invasions to stall and defeat your opponent instead of "make 100 bombers and send at enemy."
I like stuff.... Yay?
26.04.2012 - 21:58
Általa írva Deray YG, 26.04.2012 at 21:43

Általa írva YOBA, 26.04.2012 at 19:11

mass turnblocking

I have a solution for this.... Adapt. I did, and now I mostly use GW and MoS because of the main units being stealth. also if SM I suggest fancy moves and multi complicated invasions to stall and defeat your opponent instead of "make 100 bombers and send at enemy."

Mass Turnblocking = Every move you make is blocked no matter what and there is no possible way to win the game. You can't exactly adapt to losing, unless you really like wasting your time.
26.04.2012 - 22:08
Általa írva Garde, 26.04.2012 at 21:58

Mass Turnblocking = Every move you make is blocked no matter what and there is no possible way to win the game. You can't exactly adapt to losing, unless you really like wasting your time.

I think you miss my point here. What I'm saying is using little tricks to make your opponent do what you want instead of the opposite. I learn this from using MoS and bluffing at a few countries so my opponent spams defence units and wastes their money. So I suggest making a couple marines and a stealth force moving under the cover of bombers and other see-able units catching your opponent off guard.
I like stuff.... Yay?
26.04.2012 - 22:10
Általa írva Deray YG, 26.04.2012 at 22:08

Általa írva Garde, 26.04.2012 at 21:58

Mass Turnblocking = Every move you make is blocked no matter what and there is no possible way to win the game. You can't exactly adapt to losing, unless you really like wasting your time.

I think you miss my point here. What I'm saying is using little tricks to make your opponent do what you want instead of the opposite. I learn this from using MoS and bluffing at a few countries so my opponent spams defence units and wastes their money. So I suggest making a couple marines and a stealth force moving under the cover of bombers and other see-able units catching your opponent off guard.

*sigh*, i'm not referring to the previous system, I mean the ancient one from when Vafika was still prominent. Although to be fair, this new system is worse than that; you have to ally and play SM just to play.

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