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10.03.2021 - 03:38
A while back there was a post suggesting that there should be a room for mid-rank players playing on the intermediate level which received plenty of backlash and unpleasant exchanges from the community.

About 6 years later, I've decided to create a near similar post despite it's negative popularity. What's different this time however is that this topic is not calling for change and an overhaul to what we already have. But to simply voice out what many consider to be taboo and are afraid to even mention. And that is the severe imbalance in terms of skill and experience happening within these maps whether it be on the Beginner or Main games.

People make it a point that that is how you gain experience--by making mistakes, losing, and then acting not to repeat those same mistakes. That is how it generally happens in real life. But what chance does a Rank 1 have against a Rank 6 who has way more upgrades, already has a good grasp on how the game progresses, and is probably allied with his friend who is a Rank 5? Same thing happens on the Main game: a Rank 8 would rather click 'Abandon' than face off against a Rank 15 or 16 in the event that they are the only ones left. Not always the case, but it is a trend we see often ourselves.

In other games for instance, it is not possible to be grouped with lower or higher level players on the same Battleground if you have not yet met the level required or have exceeded the level needed where you would start to upset the parity between you and the other players.

If we divide the player base like so:
Rank 1-5: Beginners
Rank 6-10: Intermediate
Rank 11-15: Advanced and so on,
People will say it's segregation. Well, if that's segregation, then let's all live in a country with no middle class.

But Midnite, this is not an MMORPG! The only parity needed in a strategy game is to have a superior mind over your opponent!

True. But what about experience? If you played 200 games against someone who's only played 20 then it's not a tough call to make. Shouldn't we want to encourage a Rank 1 to play the game confidently enough without fear of losing every single time?

Lastly, we all know about the technical issues. And that is why none of this is going to be implemented.

That's all I have to say about that. Time to ride out into the sunset.
10.03.2021 - 05:31
We need a new room for every race, ethnicity, religion, age, nationality, sexuality, region, class and rank.
10.03.2021 - 05:52
We need a ww1 room
10.03.2021 - 05:55
 Mobster (Mód)
Hell no to new rooms but tags like Expert-Master-Advanced could be nice
10.03.2021 - 13:30
I'm against anything that further distances new players from old players. I'm even against having a beginners room. It's basically useless in a rather little community.
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

10.03.2021 - 14:33
The game chat should be remodified to be like Minecraft chat. Beginners, "intermediate", "Master", etc then like $500 for VIP+ or something that gives you extra creds on the street
Happiness = reality - expectations
11.03.2021 - 15:03
It could be a good idea to have a third room for midrank, it would be more friendly to new players. But tbh the community is probably too small rn to do it and there is already rank limitation avaible when you creat a game if you are premium.
11.03.2021 - 16:07
Disagree, if beginners can't play most games with high ranks for being "noobs" then why would splitting the community even further be a good idea?
12.03.2021 - 19:59
 Sid (Admin)
Maybe if we had the playerbase that would be a good idea. Theres more than a couple problems with the proposal though.
14.03.2021 - 20:14
We could have them simply as "tags" and not rooms. So players know what they are getting into... these tags can be auto generated based on rank

Average Rank: 0-4: Beginner, words are more friendly then numbers.

Or they could be host set, the host of the game wants a beginner feel.

We kinda already have this but meh
15.03.2021 - 00:59
 Mobster (Mód)
Általa írva Asylan, 14.03.2021 at 20:14

We could have them simply as "tags" and not rooms. So players know what they are getting into... these tags can be auto generated based on rank

Not just based on rank, but based on elo, CW elo, achievements etc. too
16.03.2021 - 16:04
Many disc. on this prev.ious
Remove the beginner room and merge the playerbase onto 1 room.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
16.03.2021 - 16:05
Általa írva smegma lover, 10.03.2021 at 05:31

We need a new room for every race, ethnicity, religion, age, nationality, sexuality, region, class and rank.

you need a room all to yourself :p
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
16.03.2021 - 19:21
19.03.2021 - 18:56
Bad idea for the moment.
20.03.2021 - 03:32
Too many room
too small player

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