20.07.2016 - 19:06
Zo, I played call of duty 4 and I got zome ztupid killz, zo I raged a little. I've broken my mouze and punched my keyboard. Novv I don't have mouze anymore and my keyboard iz fucked up. Zome of my keyz not vvorking (number tvvo, letter betvven 'r' and 't', letter double v, and letter betvven double v and 'y'. I made thiz to inform you that novv I'm not pozzible to update my Pokemon tourney and thatz the reazon vvhy it iz ztopped until I take my laptop to repair. I really had a biggezt wizh to ztart it az zoon az pozzible Alzo, no cvvz until I buy fucking crap of fucking mouze, thiz iz zecond one I've broken in 4 monthz, vvtf are thoze mouzez made of paper or vvhat? Novvadayz technology and IT induztry became peace of zhit, I remember my firzt mouze vvaz vvorking for 7 yearz regardless of all punchez and throvvz I did to him. Novv everything iz Made in fucking China, everything became unreziztant and unztable peace of crap, vve need to burn China. They are ekzpoliting and giving 6 yrz old children to compoze a fucking laptopz and mouzez, I hate fucking Chineze race. Thiz iz the day vvhen I officialy became fucking racizt. PZ: Death to rice azzholez !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIB ME MY MOUZE AND KEYBOARD BACK ZTOP THIZ:
20.07.2016 - 19:29
Firztly I vvanted to zay that I cant update my pokemon tourney Zecondly, I vvanted to zay that I cant update my tourney becauze unreziztant mouzez and keyboardz vvhich are being broken after firzt punch Thirdly, I vvanted to zay that thoze mouzez and keyboardz are being broken after firzt punch becauze they are made in China by 6yrz old children vvhich are being ekzploited and prezzed to vvork for minimum money Fourthly, I vvanted to zay that ekzploiting children iz not good and zhould be banned
20.07.2016 - 19:30
is that u death or waffel?
---- Deutsch überwältigt
20.07.2016 - 19:32
Death181(3-1) *Number tvvo not vvorking*
20.07.2016 - 20:25
No drugz, evvv...............I uze only alcohol... every day.... every hour.... every minute.... every zecond.....7/(3-1)4 It'z healthy
20.07.2016 - 20:25
This is funniest thing i read today hahah 10/10 (dont play cod it sucks , play bf instead)
Stryko Felhasználó törölve |
20.07.2016 - 23:26 Stryko Felhasználó törölve
Zo, I played call of duty 4 and I got zome ztupid killz, zo I raged a little. I've broken my mouze and punched my keyboard. Novv I don't have mouze anymore and my keyboard iz fucked up. Zome of my keyz not vvorking (number tvvo, letter betvven 'r' and 't', letter double v, and letter betvven double v and 'y'. I made thiz to inform you that novv I'm not pozzible to update my Pokemon tourney and thatz the reazon vvhy it iz ztopped until I take my laptop to repair. I really had a biggezt wizh to ztart it az zoon az pozzible Alzo, no cvvz until I buy fucking crap of fucking mouze, thiz iz zecond one I've broken in 4 monthz, vvtf are thoze mouzez made of paper or vvhat? Novvadayz technology and IT induztry became peace of zhit, I remember my firzt mouze vvaz vvorking for 7 yearz regardless of all punchez and throvvz I did to him. Novv everything iz Made in fucking China, everything became unreziztant and unztable peace of crap, vve need to burn China. They are ekzpoliting and giving 6 yrz old children to compoze a fucking laptopz and mouzez, I hate fucking Chineze race. Thiz iz the day vvhen I officialy became fucking racizt. PZ: Death to rice azzholez !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIB ME MY MOUZE AND KEYBOARD BACK
21.07.2016 - 02:44
Verry interezzting to readz!
njab Felhasználó törölve |
21.07.2016 - 04:36 njab Felhasználó törölve
This sounds like Waffel. Fucking Dutchies. Your old mouse was way less complex than your new mouse is. That means you shouldn't punch it. Better go ask for help of professional psychologist.
21.07.2016 - 05:25
Or maybe stop punching delicate and complicated electronic appliances and get some help (treatment)
21.07.2016 - 08:47
XAXAXAXAX ............... on this troll thread it's visible that atwar community never changes Richt being a serious German Njab being an intrusive retard Waffel being Waffel Khal giving us advices Stryko just copying but still collecting upvotes Ghost-Face laughing Tunder draw wise conclusions Darth just upvoting everyone Some unknown retards just jerk around I love you guys ♥
21.07.2016 - 09:53
Atleast you admit being troll.
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
21.07.2016 - 10:27
Where I admitted being a troll?
21.07.2016 - 10:32
But it doesn't matter, as long you give your Kapitalizt money to Koмunist China for keyboard and mouse. Trashtalking Communism, but at the end of the day, your money goes there, and that's what matters
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
21.07.2016 - 10:40
If I make one troll thread in my entire AW career > I admitted being a troll? Logic?
As I said, as you noticed, this thread was a troll. I don't give my money to regressive, cheap and poor quality communist market where children are being exploited and tortured to bring money for their bosses. Even if I buy a 'Communist' mouse or keyboard, that 'Made in China' bullshit costs fucking 2 Kapitalizt €uros and if that means to you such a big money which goes in 'communist' treasury, then you're withhelded as their product's quality.
21.07.2016 - 10:42
You just ruined the fun Tito
21.07.2016 - 10:45
I had to, sorry, it was so tempting to do it
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
njab Felhasználó törölve |
21.07.2016 - 10:47 njab Felhasználó törölve
And Croat being a Croat, as he can't think of a better name than his nationality
21.07.2016 - 10:52
Well, i wouldn't say it is first in your 'entire' Afterwind career, as you were banned for trolling couple times already.
But how? Is your computer/laptop Made in Croatia? 95% chances are it was made in China, with all your keyboard and mouse... and speakers... headphones... CDs... cellphone... car... furniture... clothes... shoes... construction machinery.. medical equipment... should i continue? Basically everything you own is Made in China, just think for a second: everything is communist. You escaped Communist Yugoslavia but you end up owning communist things. And the worst part is you PAY to own communist things... i mean worst part for you right, good for China But there's more! Best part is you can't stop it! How to stop Chinese exports? Sanctions right? Well if you do that, you will be without new computer parts, mouse, keyboard, naked and communationless. Gg you win.
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
21.07.2016 - 10:54
The name after so many years became too attached to his account, so there's not much he can do now
21.07.2016 - 11:01
Too many players from Croatia with their game nick starting or ending with 'Cro'... but once you go through those noobs you can meet decent people who can become really good friends, and they don't have 'Cro' in their names But it is always like that, every nation have nationalist noobs: masterchiefUS, draganRS, banderaUKR, cheeky_breekyRU and i even saw asian_dragonSG once. I avoid them
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
21.07.2016 - 11:13
FYI, I was banned once and only by e Mare for posting on forum from alternative account while my main was forum banned due to public polling of certain moderator. Maybe you could rather speak about your fallen try to ban me where you trolled a Moderator that I shared your real location? And that's not all, that Moderator you trolled was exactly one for which you swore that he's your great buddy. Is that how you keep your commie friendships? In beggining being nice to them and then fully troll them to achieve your dumb goals --> ban your biggest nightmare, a big nazi troll called Croat bahahah ...... commies stay commies..... wolf changes hair but never temper
No, I am trying to be faithfull to the 3rd reich. Everything I own iz made in nazi Deutschland or fascist Italy. Only commie thing I own is toilet 95% of my bought home products are carrying these logos: ...such a nice logos that promise quality, guarantee, resistance and durability, aren't they?
21.07.2016 - 11:18
njab Felhasználó törölve |
21.07.2016 - 11:21 njab Felhasználó törölve
Thank you for telling us that very rarely known information
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