13.01.2016 - 12:03
In the main, there are currently 187 casual versus 46 quick games. Why? Because veteran players making fast games have no life besides AW and they can sit glued to a computer screen for 3 hours straight. No one should start a quick game under 4 minutes a turn. 3 and 2 minute turns can only be decently accomplished by elite players who've been on AW for many years. The elitist vets who will diss this message will rebut with: "well if the game turns are too short, don't join" That's the point I'm making: Noobs: Don't join. You're only giving sadistic vet elite players cannon fodder. Regarding elite vets: When they applied for a job as a cop, they got rejected. So now they sit at their computers collecting welfare & waiting for noobs to beat up. lmfao
---- /s/ Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
13.01.2016 - 12:13
One more thing: these elite vets often can't get players to join the fast turn games so they create multiple accounts. Then they can enter as a level 1 (up to 4...)and beat the crap out of noobs who have two week's experience with AW. I tried to get two co-workers to try AW and both of them quit after a few weeks saying they couldn't believe how sadistic AW elite/vet players (with new accounts) were. Not only did these New Yorkers (URL search) beat the crap out of them, they hurled insults at them in the process.
---- /s/ Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
13.01.2016 - 12:20
Okey, so many prejudices... my head gonna blow ![]() First of all... most times, these alts are from players ranging from rank 5-8. Not many high ranks/vets are that sadistic. Second of all... we sometimes like to play short turn games, but no one asked you to join them if you don't like them. We, or at least I, find them really exciting and fun. It's the same as with certain maps... if I create an Ancient game and you don't like that map, don't join it. Join a game with the parameters you find fun. Third of all... why the fuck didn't you nor your friend report this before if such thing happened and witnessed it???????!!!!!!!!!! Forth and last of all... quit the illogical hate already....
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
13.01.2016 - 20:13
Your wrong on every point. You haven't done any research. Check out those shill accounts. 1.Are you trying to tell me that people who joined AWar in 2013 & play regularly are usually lower ranks (up to 8)?? BS 2. WTF are U repeating what I said in my post. If elite vets want to play 2 min games.Fine. Who are you to tell me what my opinion should be of elite vets starting second accounts, going into the beginner rooms and then alienating noobs? 3. Dont tell me this hasn't been reported when I reported many times and I have a pending post complaining about it. Look up the post I put up prior to this one. 4. The response I got to my post was: "If they're treating players like this, why don't U do the same thing." Nice reply. In other words, if vets are treating noobs like shit, open up a new account and do the same thing. Real nice reply. 5. Moreover, this has been reported repeatedly to mods. Its happening right now with "Guest10233". Guest 10233 (a ghost for all I know) came into a beginner casual game (and is still there as of this writing) just to join the stronger team and then "ice" the game. If you look him or her up on the player roster "search"; it shows no profile whatsoever. Noobs that have SM'd me have no idea who these dudes are. I have to guide them on how to look up the profile to see that its an elite vet who's been playing for years. 6. Finally, give me the name of a noob that U recently got to play in AWar. Duhhhhh. I'll wait. If AWar adopted your reply it would say: "Hey elite vets, treat noobs like shit and I will deny it happens and/or defend your maltreatment in the community posts."
---- /s/ Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
13.01.2016 - 20:17
Comedian: U R not funny. Get a job as POTUS and stop your own "hating". Your response was full of expletives (which i've returned in kind) and far from polite.
---- /s/ Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
13.01.2016 - 20:53
I don't know if it's funny or sad that you have to make alternates to support yourself. Considering your main account is rank 8 and you have two low rank accounts(that are not rank 0) I'd say you're the same type person you are referring to in your post
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