On behalf of the Game Meta team I'm announcing a few updates which have just gone live:

Buildings Changes:
  • Fortifications now cost 1400 (previously was 700)
  • Recruitment Centers now cost 1000 (previously was 700)
  • Radar Arrays now cost 300 (previously was 700)
  • Anti-Aircraft Defenses now cost 1000 (previously was 700)

Strategy Changes:
  • Relentless Attack buff -- Bombers cost lowered by 10
  • Sky Menace buff -- Air Transports capacity increased by 1
  • Master of Stealth buff (or nerf? I'm not sure which you would consider this) -- Infantry defense lowered by 1, but cost also lowered by 10.

We're still working on new strategies to try, we'll keep you posted about that...

  | | Hozzászólások (47)

= = = 24th EDITION: September 28, 2020 = = =

Table of Contents
Section 1: New guide for AtWar
Section 2: Interview with "dominicano"
Section 3: Map review: Bronze Age - Rise of Babylon
Section 4: Planned maintenance
Section 5: Want to get Involved?

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting -- Sun Tzu.

Olvass többet ››

  | | Hozzászólások (10)

We have officially launched a new campaign promoting atWar on YouTube, thanks to VladRacovita and his channel DeBellorumSimulationibus

Help us out and you can quickly and easily earn upto 1000 ProtoCoins (or more)! Simply watch and like the videos, following the instructions on the following post:

Earn 1000 protocoins easily and quickly

The last promotion with VladRacovita, 4 years ago, attracted thousands of new players to atWar... let's do it again! Read more in VladRacovita's post here: ATWAR on YT again!.

  | | Hozzászólások (12)

Since we missed July's promotion- this month we will have two promotions!

The map(s) to be promoted this month are...

Estus's Nova Aetas

Rasp's Operation Market Garden

For the next month, EVERYONE will be able to host these two maps.


  | | Hozzászólások (6)

= = = EDITION 23: June 20th, 2020 = = =

Table of Contents
Section 1: Moderator of The Year 2019
Section 2: News & Updates
Section 3: A surprise for the future...
Section 4: ATN & AW Press
Section 5: Want to get Involved?

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." ~ Confucius

Olvass többet ››

  | | Hozzászólások (18)

I am pleased to announce that after some time both Blitzkrieg and Relentless Attack have been nerfed.

The nerf RA received is -1 range for militia and + 20 cost for bombers, while Blitz nerf includes -1 range and +10 cost to militia.
On the side note Master of Stealth has been buffed for some time now, so the new stats for infantry now include -1 for attack but +1 for defense.

On the side note as the season continues, the team has been working on some interesting new gameplay additions and will be added soon, so stay tuned!


  | | Hozzászólások (52)

June's Map Promotion will be:

*drumroll please*

Recently released days ago, this map won May's map competition and was rewarded June's map promotion on top of a few other things.

For the entire month of June (plus some), Adog's Competitive Ancient will be playable by EVERYONE; Premium or not.

  | | Hozzászólások (152)

Here are the winners for May's Map Competition! With over 30 participants, this was a tough decision. While first, second, and third place may get to reap the rewards; Every participant will be wanted for future events and news articles.

Thank you to all who participated.

[center]First Place

Professor Adog

Adog's Competitive Ancient

With already 100+ Plays after being released just days ago, Adog put a lot of work into this map- and it has definitely paid off.

Olvass többet ››

  | | Hozzászólások (9)

Pictured is Cynical vs. Epic Clan

= = = THIRD EDITION: June 4TH, 2020 = = =

Table of Contents
Section 1: Overview of what has happened
Section 2: Illyria loses lead
Section 3: Epic Clan - Mystics merge
Section 4: Epic Clan revival
Section 5: Order of The Emperor disbands
Section 6: Relax, it's just a joke!
Section 7: Best players this season
Section 8: Tribute to lower elo clans
Section 9: Congradulations!
Section 10: Word from the Editor

Olvass többet ››

  | | Hozzászólások (5)

I told you a little while ago that I was working on a system to earn PCs for the games you play... now it's here!

As of now, you can earn ProtoCoins just for playing... the more SP you earn, the more ProtoCoins you earn.

Even if you lose or surrender the game. you can still earn ProtoCoins. (No ProtoCoins will be given if you abandon or are kicked from the game.)

More Ways to earn ProtoCoins
  • Watch the Global Chat for announcements about PC Drop games hosted by our Supporter Team, from time to time.
  • Some games have a random PC bonus if you win, in addition to any other PCs you earned.
  • Play a tournament, many of which offer PC awards to the winner(s). Watch the Tournaments forum to find one.

  | | Hozzászólások (22)

All players will now automatically get 300 SP per day, just for being online in atWar. Log in every day and you'll get upto 9300 bonus SP per month!

To get the bonus, all you have to do is come online at any point during the day. You don't have to login/logout... just be online. That's it.

On a related note, we are no longer giving out the "3 day free premium" promo to accounts that have been inactive more than 30 days. While well-intentioned, this basically had the opposite effect... it motivated people NOT to come online for 30 days, just so they could get the 3 days of premium at the end. I hope the daily bonus will help motivate people to actually come online instead.

Olvass többet ››

  | | Hozzászólások (55)

Map Competition

Attention all Cartographers!

June's map promotion will be done through a map competition. Here's how it will work:

How to participate:
Message Alois that you are participating.

The map can be in any genre and be any size; As long as it is done by June 9th.

You have till June 9th to complete EVERYTHING on your map. Best map wins (Staff will be judging these maps)

What areas of maps will be judged on:

● Balanced units
--> Units must not be OP, or just randomly put in there. There must be reasoning for these units.

● Balanced economies
--> This ties to the balance of the map as a whole, if one economy is better than every other, then it's considered a rigged map- Unless of course there is a purpose for it.

Olvass többet ››

  | | Hozzászólások (29)


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